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Author Topic:  Favorite headphones for mixing ?
Leroy Golden


Muskegon, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2016 12:18 pm    
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I have a several sets of phones that sound terrific, but if I try to mix on them I always have to remix when listening on the studio monitors (KRK's and or Tannoy's) I trust the monitors much more than the phones, and so do my clients! Just my 2 cents worth!!
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Godfrey Arthur


3rd Rock
Post  Posted 9 Sep 2016 3:14 am    
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I use Sony MDR V-600 for mixing but start off tracking on JBL LSR28P's. I do use 7506 as well.

These days most everyone (read young millennials) use earbuds and have no interest or experience with speakers.

If you are used to a certain set of headphones, and know how those translate to other playback media, or how professional produced and released tracks sound in those headphones, you will have to get used to anything else, whether new or better, and start from scratch on doing a mix.
ShoBud The Pro 1
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