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Author Topic:  LOOKING FOR A TOP QUALITY non-pedal steel guitar?
Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 10 Aug 2007 1:10 pm    
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At this time, on eBay, (and I'm not promoting eBay!!)
there are a number of quality steel guitars for auction and I don't see how one could go wrong in acquiring anyone of them.

There's a single neck Bakelite Post-War with the smaller pickup.....that appears to be in good condition.

There is also an early 1930's Rick FRY PAN. It appears to be in fairly rough shape but looks like it could be cleaned up........if the purchase price is right.

There are two JERRY BYRD models of his three-legged non-pedal steel; one BLOND eight string; the other, a dark finish with six strings.

There's a double neck, late 1950's model, non-pedal
with blond finish and 8-strings per neck.

And last but not least, there's a blond finish, triple-8, non-pedal model.

Again, I'm not promoting eBay or anyone connected to it, however with the recurring questions of where can one acquire "a GOOD single neck guitar" or whatever....... I tho't you all deserved to have an alert here. These Ricks seem to come in clusters and then NONE for a very long time.

WARNING! There is one RICK being advertised as a lap steel when in reality, it is an early day Spanish guitar model that someone has converted in one way or another into looking like a lap steel.

GOOD LUCK to anyone interested.
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Bill Creller


Saginaw, Michigan, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 10 Aug 2007 9:04 pm    
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The scale length is the same as the steel. Wonder how it would sound??
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