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Author Topic:  Hawaiian album
Bill Creller


Saginaw, Michigan, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2007 11:23 pm    
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My oldest son gave my an album he found somewhere, with six LP discs. It was put out by the Longines Symphonette Society. The title on the front is "Hawaii...melodies from paradise"
It's big orchestra stuff, but has steel guitar all thru it. The steel player sounds like Buddy Merrill to me, because of the Stringmaster sound, and his tone is very treble, and a little harsh.(way too treble in my opinion) It's well played though. There may be more than one player, unless it's re-recorded with the same player.
Like everyone else, they played "The One Rose" Smile
I played it in Winchester some years back, and played the intro. A friend said he hadn't heard it
"played that way before", and someone standing with him while I played it said," That's wrong, not part of the song"

Just don't understand why no one plays the intro. It sounds as nice as the chorus. The guy that said it was wrong should spend a few bucks for the sheet music. Sad
By the way, it's written in E flat Very Happy
(Lani McIntire..brother to Dick, and Del Lyon) IN 1935 if I recall correctly.

The discs appear to having never been played, which is a shame.

Regards BILL
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2007 11:57 am    
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There is only one rule in music; there are no rules in music.

Play it the way you feel it.
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George Rout

St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2007 3:01 pm     Box Sets of Hawaiian music LP's
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That box set and a couple more by Readers Digest are in just about every flea market. And, it seems that most are in excellent condition, like they've never been played. I can't comment on the intro subject.

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