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Author Topic:  Jeff Bradshaw's - Great Guy, Great Shop, Great Visit!!
John Jeffries


New Brunswick, Canada
Post  Posted 26 May 2007 8:34 am    
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Maureen & I are in Calgary this week visiting family, and I took the opportunity to drive up to Leslieville to Jeff Bradshaw's "Steel Guitar Enterprises" to meet Jeff and to visit his shop....WOW! Jeff went out of his way to make me feel right at home, and took time out from his busy day to spend with me and answer a multitude of quesions I had about steel guitars & amps, as well as other electronic gear & how it all works - what I could expect from this pedal, that box, etc. etc., what were the features of the different kinds of steels, how they compare, feel, etc.
I got to sit behind a new Jackson - the very one that Jeff used on his recording of "Till The Rivers All Run Dry" (which plays when you bring up the Jackson website), and a double neck Fessenden as well. Now to put this little visit in perspective, you must understand that, back home in New Brunswick, there are NO steel guitar shops or any music stores that stock any steel guitars... I had to get one of the local stores to "special order" my Carter-Starter. I guess I have only seen maybe 1/2 dozen or so steel guitars "up close & personal" in my lifetime, so this was a very special day for me - almost like visiting Santa's workshop! To be able to get some "hands on" time with these great steels and the chance to talk with someone who has the knowlege, ability, and experience that this gentleman has, was, most helpful and inspiring, to say the least! Thanks Jeff, for your kind assistance and hospitality - it was a "chance of a lifetime" for me, and well worth the trip!
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A. Roncetti

Toronto,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 26 May 2007 8:54 am    
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Jeff is a great guy.Got my Fessy through him! Very Happy
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Greg Simmons

where the buffalo (used to) roam AND the Mojave
Post  Posted 26 May 2007 3:04 pm    
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Jeff is not only a great guy, he's an amazing musician - but a humble guy who doesn't like to toot his own horn, so folks like us in this thread will!

Yes, as you discovered John, a trip to Leslieville is always a treat!

He's even put up with me as a rommmate in St. Louis and Dallas a few times now...I'm honored to be his friend Very Happy

Don't forget the 4th Annual Canadian Steel Guitar Show that Jeff puts on that's coming up in just 2 weeks - Sunday June 10/07.

Players like Doug Jernigan, Scotty, Bob Taillefer, Jeff and more, with one of the best house bands anywhere!

Oh yeah, if you don't have Jeff's CD Swingin' Country Dance Toons, what are you waiting for?

Visit his site - www.countrypickin.com - and get it!
<i>�Head full of this kaleidoscope of brain-freight, Heart full of something simple and slow�</i>
-Mark Heard
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John Jeffries


New Brunswick, Canada
Post  Posted 26 May 2007 9:26 pm    
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Wish I could make it back out for the convention, but I won't be able to swing another trip out from the east coast in June.
I picked up Jeff's CD, along with several others when I visited his shop. He is a top notch player for sure, as is Dave Hamilton on lead guitar....this cd is great - very tastefully done...all the players involved are very accomplished musicians, and I would recommend it to anyone!
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Don Discher


Sault Ste Marie,Ontario,Canada
Post  Posted 27 May 2007 2:08 pm     Jeff Bradshaw
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Jeff usually has the best deal on strings and a good guy to deal with.
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Jeff Bradshaw

Leslieville, Alberta - Canada
Post  Posted 28 May 2007 9:47 am    
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This has made my day and brought a big smile to my face. My sincere thanks to you all for the kind words, I appreciate it greatly!!!! Best regards. ..jeff
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