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Topic: New Fender Lap Steel |
Russ Young
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
Posted 25 Feb 2005 3:50 pm
Oh, thanks a lot, Brad!
That picture pushed me over the edge -- now I'm going to be hanging around Guitar Center, waiting until they get some in ...  |
Joel Newman
From: Smithsburg, Maryland, USA
Posted 26 Feb 2005 8:06 am
It sure is cool to look at. . .but, (and please forgive my nay-sayerness, what do I really know as I'm pretty new to steel playing), . .it just seems to me that the volume knob,(I assume that's the one closest to the player, not ever having played this model or the earlier version), and the pickup cover would kinda get in the way of some right hand muting techniques. If it's a reissue I say bully-bully. But if fender is trying to make a better mouse trap . . . am I wrong? |
Rick Aiello
From: Berryville, VA USA
Posted 26 Feb 2005 8:35 am
Quote: |
A shame it doesn't have a true string through pickup, though |
Quote: |
and the pickup cover would kinda get in the way of some right hand muting techniques. If it's a reissue I say bully-bully. But if fender is trying to make a better mouse trap |
If the Faux Boxcar has Steel "yolks" ...
Jason Lollar can build the correct bobbin for it and I can easily make magnet blocks to convert it into a fully functional Boxcar.
Aiello's House of Gauss
My wife and I don't think alike. She donates money to the homeless and I donate money to the topless! ... R. Dangerfield
Jody Carver
Posted 26 Feb 2005 11:55 am
I have said it many times...just keep your eyes on Fender. They might suprise you.
You can take my post to the bank. |
Rick Alexander
From: Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Posted 4 Mar 2005 10:08 pm
Well, I've decided to order an FS52.
Tomorrow I'll call Scott, my friendly neighborhood GC Pro guy, and place the order (Guitar Center is conveniently located 2 blocks from my house).
I just got a Fender Steel King Amp and I absolutely love it - so much that I ordered a second one, so I might as well get an FS52 as well. How else am I going to be qualified to write an article about it for the JCFSC newsletter?
I played through the FSK at a live show earlier this evening - and it sounded AMAZING!! I can't wait to hear what 2 of them in stereo will sound like . .
Since I've been talking up Steel Guitar at the local Guitar Center, they've suggested that I do a demonstration there. So when it comes in, I think I'll do just that. I'll demo the FS52, the FSK, and just for the added excitement - my 57 Stringmaster T8 !
Should be fun!
Rick Alexander
Big Steel |
Bill Pastuch
From: Bluegrass Country Kentucky USA
Posted 7 Mar 2005 3:09 pm
Any chance Fender will come out with an 8-string lap steel anytime soon? If so, put me down for one! |
Rick Alexander
From: Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Posted 7 Mar 2005 3:25 pm
Well, I was informed by my friendly neighborhood GC Pro guy that 100 FS52s were coming into the country, but they had all been sold - and 50 more were on the way, but they were also sold.
He said it would be late May or early June before I could get one. I told him to go ahead and order one for me anyway . .
It's the American way.[This message was edited by Rick Alexander on 08 March 2005 at 06:08 AM.] |
Jackie Anderson
From: Scarborough, ME
Posted 7 Mar 2005 4:44 pm
Keep your eyes on Fender, but keep your ears on
Rick, something's wrong if you and Jason can't sell a few aftermarket 'Cars for these babies. |
Bill McCloskey
Posted 7 Mar 2005 4:53 pm
hmm... Sounds like Fender is taking a page out of the Apple play book: underestimate the demand and under produce. |
Rick Aiello
From: Berryville, VA USA
Posted 7 Mar 2005 5:44 pm
In one post ... you are gonna have two giant corporations after us now ...
Thats it ... Click Here Jack
Aiello's House of Gauss
My wife and I don't think alike. She donates money to the homeless and I donate money to the topless! ... R. Dangerfield
Jackie Anderson
From: Scarborough, ME
Posted 7 Mar 2005 6:05 pm
Note that I didn't say "Str*ng Thr**gh," though. [This message was edited by Jack Anderson on 07 March 2005 at 06:06 PM.] |
Rick Aiello
From: Berryville, VA USA
Posted 7 Mar 2005 7:36 pm
OK ... one bowl ... thats it ... next
Terry VunCannon
From: Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Posted 13 Apr 2005 9:59 am
Has any one heard any news on these new Fender lap steels. I have had one on order since February. Fender said 4-6 weeks then. |
J Hill
From: Colorado, USA
Posted 13 Apr 2005 10:33 am
Two things:
Why don't they make the tuners 'stick up' instead of pointing out to the side, I'd think tuning would be a lot easier if they were upward.
Are they making an 8-string in the same model?
Thanks, Leila |
Rick Alexander
From: Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Posted 13 Apr 2005 4:30 pm
Terry, I ordered one from my friendly neighborhood GC Pro last February also.
They tell me maybe by June . .
Leila, an 8 string would be cool. They'd have to make a special stratocaster pickup for it though . . |
David L. Donald
From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Posted 13 Apr 2005 8:03 pm
Nice little retro unit. Sweet!
I suspect the powers that be, wanted to test the waters a bit,
but if the sales figures above are an indication,
they will move more into this market soon.
I await the all ash body D-8 with boxcars and upright tuners....
I doubt I am the only one either...
Or a bronze s-8 fryingpan!!  |
Bill Creller
From: Saginaw, Michigan, USA (deceased)
Posted 14 Apr 2005 4:15 am
I never liked a tone control on the player's side of the guitar, and I built only one that way and regretted it. It's great that Fender is listening to the steel guitar "masses" about getting back in the act. They must be made off-shore to be priced affordable. They would cost over a grand if made here in our labor market.
Hopefully they will make some Stringmaster re-issues.
Dwayne Martineau
From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Posted 14 Apr 2005 10:02 am
So, is that true-- the tone knob is the one on the player's side?
If so, too bad. But easily switched, I guess.
Are they shipping? |
Bill Creller
From: Saginaw, Michigan, USA (deceased)
Posted 14 Apr 2005 1:13 pm
Dwayne it's not what the knob does, it's just in the way, and if the control moves very easy it can be brushed lightly by your right palm while playing and turn the knob where you don't want it.(just my opinion)
Bobbe Seymour
From: Hendersonville TN USA, R.I.P.
Posted 14 Apr 2005 4:25 pm
I have 24 on order and haven't seen one yet.
Nashville TN. |
Gary Boyett
From: Colorado
Posted 15 Apr 2005 2:46 am
I am getting the feeling that the boys at Fender are just sticking their collective toes in the water to see if it's worth getting in. When I tried to get an interview for the Fender CLub newsletter I could not get anyone to talk about it. Several people didn't even know they were doing steels again.
My local GC has a one line description and that's it. I will wait for Bobbe.
JCFSGC member since 2005
Boyett's Glass Bars
Rick Alexander
From: Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Tom Baylis
From: Portland, Oregon
Posted 13 Sep 2005 11:49 am
Good looking, thanks for sharing Rick.
What's the word on the pickup - is it a full magnetized boxcar...or did they rely on just the strat pup to enliven it? From your comments, it sounds like it's just the 'wannabe' that was predicted...[This message was edited by Tom Baylis on 13 September 2005 at 01:03 PM.] |
Brad Bechtel
From: San Francisco, CA
Gerald Ross
From: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Posted 13 Sep 2005 12:34 pm
Quote: |
It's not a boxcar pickup (strings through the pickup); it's a regular guitar pickup with a metal cover screwed on over the top. See this picture for details: |
So Fender reissues the boxcar, but not really. Excel uses a horseshoe pickup on it's JB Frypans but the shoes aren't magnetized.
I guess it's better to look good than feel good.
Gerald Ross
'Northwest Ann Arbor, Michigan's King Of The Hawaiian Steel Guitar'
CEO, CIO, CFO - UkeTone Records
Gerald's Fingerstyle Guitar Website
Board of Directors Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association