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Brett Day

Pickens, SC
Post  Posted 10 Jul 2004 1:05 pm    
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Hi, Tim, this is Brett. I'm sorry I couldn't be at the show when you played in Charleston. We would've loved to have been there. I hope to see you soon. Brett, Emmons S-10, Morrell lapsteel
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Tim Sergent


Hendersonville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2004 5:57 pm    
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You have an open invitation for any show you can come to. Look forward to meeting you.

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Jeff Hogsten


Flatwoods Ky USA
Post  Posted 16 Jul 2004 11:43 am    
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email me as soon as you can at hogstenjeff@hotmail.com I would like to talk to you, havent seen you in awhile, I have a new studio in Flatwoods and would like to do some work with you plus just catch up on old times, Jeff
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 16 Jul 2004 12:29 pm    
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Brett, hope you don't mind me using your topic to make a statement about Tim.
Several years ago on one of the TNN shows, Music City Tonight maybe, Tim, you were on with Clay Walker, at least I believe it was you. You were playing an Emmons, maybe a Push Pull. I have always remembered the sound of that guitar and your playing as having the most incredible tone that I have ever heard from anyone on any guitar. I hope this is archived someplace in the TNN vaults..If so, I urge anyone that has access to this to go back and give it a listen and see if you don't agree w/my statement.

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Joe Rogers


Lake Charles, LA USA
Post  Posted 16 Jul 2004 4:05 pm    
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Does that open invitation go for me also? With backstage passes and autographed photos.....for me and my 15 Cajun cousins.....with their kids?


Your old buddy Joe Rogers
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Tim Sergent


Hendersonville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 17 Jul 2004 1:38 pm    
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As a matter of fact, I'm in Ashland right now. My Mother-in-law is in the hospital and we've been coming up here quite frequently. I tried to call you the last time I was in, but the only studio number in your neck of the woods was no longer in service. I'll e-mail you and give you some numbers here in Ashland.

That's the nicest compliment I'ver ever had! . I still have that old push-pull and I probably always will. It's about a '73 rosewood with wooden necks and I love it! It just sits around the house now, cause I was afraid something would happen to it on the road. I'm playing a LeGrandeII now and enjoying it as well...just a little something missing if you know what I mean. Thanks again for the kind words. Look me up if we're (Mel Tillis) in your neck of the woods.

You old dog! Where in the heck are you? I had heard you moved back to LA. We did a show in Texas and I forgot who told me, but I remember that they were talking to Chuck Landry, Mel's drummer, (or was...he quit last week to stay in Branson to work at a theater) and they had said that you moved back to Cajun land, which is where Chuck is from so I'm assuming you guys have crossed paths. You know you're welcome to any show you want to come to. And I could probably find somebody to give you an autograph and a picture. My phone number hasn't changed in the last 15 or 16 years so give me a shout or e-mail me and we can swap old stories. Are you still playing? I hope so, I always liked your playing. Do you still have your Franklin? What a pretty guitar that was! Good to hear from you and keep in touch.

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Joe Rogers


Lake Charles, LA USA
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2004 9:38 pm    
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Yes, I have moved back to the land of hot food and hot weather. I do miss Nashville's weather. I play every once in a while. I now have a 5-year old son who is already getting a head start. He plays 3 songs on electric guitar and 4 songs on Cajun Accordion. His timing is better than mine ever was.

I miss all the old gear experimenting we used to do. I sold my Franklin and got a Zum. It has been a good guitar for me. I would like to buy a new guitar, but I don't play enough yet to warrant another one. Sounds like you're staying busy these days. Let me know if you get close enough to this area and I'll bring out the family.

As you see I don't get to visit the forum much. I would have sent all of this in a private email, but I couldn't find your address anywhere. ;-)

Talk to you later!

Joe Rogers
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Joe Rogers


Lake Charles, LA USA
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2004 9:41 pm    
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By the way, I have played with Chuck Landry on more than one occasion. ;-)

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