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Author Topic:  Ever have trouble with 440 tuning
Ron Brennan


Orlando, Florida, USA; Formerly, Edison, NJ
Post  Posted 3 Aug 2005 11:30 am    
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Here's why,

A C, an E-flat, and a G go into a bar. The bartender says: "Sorry, but
we don't serve minors." So the E-flat leaves, and the C and the G have
an open fifth between them. After a few drinks, the fifth is diminished
and the G is out flat. An F comes in and tries to augment the situation,
but is not sharp enough.

A D comes into the bar and heads straight for the bathroom saying,
"Excuse me. I'll just be a second." Then an A comes into the bar, but
the bartender is not convinced that this relative of C is not a minor.

Then the bartender notices a B-flat hiding at the end of the bar and
exclaims, "Get out now. You're the seventh minor I've found in this bar

The E-flat, not easily deflated, comes back to the bar the next night in
a 3-piece suit with nicely shined shoes. The bartender (who used to have
a nice corporate job until his company downsized) says, "You're looking
sharp tonight, come on in! This could be a major development." This
proves to be the case, as the E-flat takes off the suit, and everything
else, and stands there au natural.

Eventually, the C sobers up, and realizes in horror that he's under a
rest. The C is brought to trial, is found guilty of contributing to the

diminution of a minor, and is sentenced to 10 years of DS without Coda
at an upscale correctional facility. On appeal, however, the C is found

innocent of any wrongdoing, even accidental, and that all accusations
to the contrary are bassless.

The bartender decides, however, that since he's only had tenor so
patrons, with the sopranout in the bathroom, and everything has become
altoo much treble, he needs a rest, and closes the bar. TX


JCFSC member since 2005 "Be of Good Cheer"
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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 3 Aug 2005 11:43 am    
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Moved to Humor from No Peddlers.

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