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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2003 2:12 pm    
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Well well. Players came out of the woodwork for this event. I was hoping for some small animals to barbeque, but there weren't any blackberry bushes to go hunting for them in. Oh well.

The ones I recognized were Dale Grandstrom, Doug Jones, Pete Burak, Wayne Mathews, and Jim West.

Heres the BUY OF THE DAY.


The Lock Stock and Barrel went for around $22,000. I mistakenly scratched my nose at 21, and the guy just couldn't let it get away. Oh well. It would have maxed out my Bank Card..

The New owner. I understand from the State of WA, and word is that the present location will be considered.

Tom Baker was in attendance, as an advisor, as well as DON CHRISTIANSON. The Father of the modern business.

Pete B was the successful bidder for a couple items.

To all those that emailed me for parts etc, I forwarded the emails printed out to Tom Baker, and they will be answered in some fashion.

The machinery went for a dime on the dollar as much machinery does, and as far as I could tell, all the parts, stock, what few changers there were ( I have pictures of misc stuff) all went to the new owner, pictured here in the drafty doorway with Tom Baker and Don C.

We'll see what happens.

Last of all, it was good to see, and rib Don about me still playing my Sho~Bud, and get raked over the coals for "making up" his "history". I reminded him that all it takes is a 5$ fee and a claim that you're a "steel player" to post whatever version he wants to make up..

I think it's just going to have to remain a Mystery until somebody ponies up "their version".

Dave Borissoff, owner of Hipshot Music Products and a fine steel guitarist. is going to be my personal guest this evening for a tour of our 7 night music facilities(One) with possibly Doug Jones and Pete B, to go see and hear Wes Bakken playing. He passed on the bidding, but spent a lot of time getting to know us.

Good to see all the goin's on, and talk to Don. I think he's going home and starting a draft of his version of his History, which am anxiously waiting to post. I told him tht if he didn't like the version I made up, that it was his only alternative. That's the way "history" is....

Looks like SI will be "back", and hopefully will have the craftsmanship everybody has come to know available soon again. It's really rough for any business in these times, and especially this state, so we'll see..

I probably will still keep my Sho~Bud. I really go for that tone...


And I didn't go "In drag" because I thought I'd be the only one with a dress.. Go figure..

[This message was edited by Eric West on 18 November 2003 at 02:15 PM.]

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James Morehead

Prague, Oklahoma, USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2003 4:30 pm    
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Good to see Sierra Guitar company move forward, despite the economical "rockyroad". Good luck to Sierra on Future growth!!!
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CrowBear Schmitt

Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2003 12:28 am    
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Thanx Eric
i really like that man w: the kilt

Steel what?

[This message was edited by CrowBear Schmitt on 19 November 2003 at 12:28 AM.]

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Roy Ayres

Riverview, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2003 5:46 am    
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Glad to hear this great news. I love my Sierra and would hate to have to eventually give it up due to lack of parts availability.
Go, Sierra!
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Rick Aiello

Berryville, VA USA
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2003 6:09 am    
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Time to crack open that Dewar's 12


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