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Author Topic:  what local non famous Steeler inspired you"?.
Harold Parris


Piedmont, Alabama USA
Post  Posted 29 Aug 2003 6:52 pm    
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I would have to say Charles Beshears, a Minister in Centre, Alabama and Barry Hunter a "Soul Picker" from Gadsden, Alabama. Charles is the first picker I heard live at a jam session at his home some 35 years ago. That was the moment I decided I was getting a steel guitar and I was going to learn how to play that beautiful music. I haven't heard Charles in years now but I know he is still good.

Barry Hunter a very good friend of mine and a wonderful person also, is the best steel player on E 9th I have ever heard. He can get more from a steel guitar than anyone. His graceful coordinated moves and notes coming from his heart, makes him the best, if not one of the best steel player anywhere, bar none. He has played several years but he is not famous at all. I assure you if you heard him play you would agree with me.

Both these guys are a great inspiration to me as well as many other player I've listened to. I am happy to have had the opportunity to nmeet these players.

Sierra Session and MSA Classic Guitars, Nashville 400, Session 400, and Evans FET 500 Amps.
Harold Parris email hparrisal@aol.com

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Bill Edwards


Centerton, AR
Post  Posted 7 Sep 2003 10:21 am    
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I would say Ken Collins and Herb Foust from Oklahoma City and John Buffington and Jerry Roller from this area,
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