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Author Topic:  Susan Alcorn concert in Austin
Susan Alcorn (deceased)

Baltimore, MD, USA
Post  Posted 10 Aug 2003 10:48 am    
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For anyone who might be interested, I will be giving a solo concert this coming Saturday in Austin as part of a loft series. There will also be two other performers -- William Meadows (from the big city of Dripping Springs, TX) and Alex Keller (from Seattle). I am quite excited about this event; it will be very intimate, and the acoustics are supposed to be very good

This will be at:

1304-A Robert E. Lee, Austin, TX
Saturday, August 16, 7:00pm

If you can make it out, please be sure to say hello.

-- Susan

[This message was edited by Susan Alcorn on 10 August 2003 at 05:21 PM.]

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Bob Watson

Champaign, Illinois, U.S.
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2003 11:31 pm    
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Susan, what kind of venue is it that you are playing at. I have a friend that is a songwriter living in Austin that is fairly new to the area and I am trying to encourage him to attend your concert. He has pretty diverse taste in music, but I think I might have better luck at getting him to go listen to your concert if I new more about the venue.

[This message was edited by Bob Watson on 13 August 2003 at 12:36 AM.]

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Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2003 8:35 am    
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Susan....be assured if I was anywhere near Austin when you were playing, I would be there sitting on the front row. Have a great show.
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Jody Sanders


Magnolia,Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2003 8:38 pm    
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Hi Susan, Hope everything works great for you at this venue. I know you performance will be fantastic. Jody.
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Susan Alcorn (deceased)

Baltimore, MD, USA
Post  Posted 15 Aug 2003 5:25 am    
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Thank you Reece and Jody. Bob, I believe that the performance will be at a private home with some kind of loft. The musician will be (out of sight) up in the loft and the audience will be below. That's all that I know. If your friend comes by, please tell him to say hello. Here are the notes I wrote for my part of the program:

First Note -- First Song

Some thoughts on my performance for Saturday, August

I don’t know what I’m going to play tonight, and I won’t know until I hear the first note or make the first sound, though at times I think that any note or sound is merely the reflection already played out of that first note that began our universe.

Recently I have been working on an album inspired by music of the Chilean Nueva Cancion, so some of that may come out -- the music of Violeta Parra, Victor Jara, Inti-Illimani, and Illapu; and the musical universe of the Mapuche, the Inca, and the Araucan. I will probably also perform one or two of my own compositions. “Twin Beams” which begins with a B note (for those of you with your harmonicas) is a song I wrote last year for the Chris Cutler Project. “Broken Obelisk” was inspired by a small antiwar vigil which took place in March near Barnett Newman’s statue at the Rothko Chapel in Houston, Texas.

Violeta Parra wrote that the song is a bird without a flight plan who never flies in a straight line. Eschewing mathematics, it soars through the swirls and eddies of moving air. Tonight I will play songs or perhaps pieces of songs with a beginning, a middle and an end, though not necessarily in that order.

Blurry the distinction and uneven the border between notes and sound. Music has so much to say and so little time to say it. For this reason, I often feel that music should be more shamanic ritual in nature and less recital for each note is a god or goddess, and they live with others of their kind in the primordial space under the fingers, between the strings and surrounding the twelve notes that humans have delineated. And in this community of countless notes surrounded by sounds and noise, each has a story to tell if it is properly beckoned and if our ears will hear it. This is the nature of music. It is this beauty, the depth and the heart of sound formed from this community of notes and from the original sound that I hope to touch lightly, to bring forth, and to share with you in this time and space tonight.

-- Susan

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Jeff A. Smith


Angola,Ind. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 15 Aug 2003 8:10 am    
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I don’t know what I’m going to play tonight, and I won’t know until I hear the first note or make the first sound, though at times I think that any note or sound is merely the reflection already played out of that first note that began our universe.
Sounds like my kind of performance.

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Jesse Pearson


San Diego , CA
Post  Posted 15 Aug 2003 8:14 am    
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Hi Susan, just did a search on your name and read some very nice reviews. I would like to hear a sample of your playing one day, sounds very collective unconsciousness/universal harmony. A human soul is truly the greatest resonator there is. Good luck Saturday.

[This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 15 August 2003 at 10:48 AM.]

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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 15 Aug 2003 8:23 am    
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I would like to hear a sample of your playing one day


[This message was edited by Jim Smith on 15 August 2003 at 09:23 AM.]

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Colm Chomicky

Kansas, (Prairie Village)
Post  Posted 15 Aug 2003 5:29 pm    
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Austin is a distance galaxy for some. But what if, on evening of August 16th, those not physically present at the concert (but willing), remove your steel from the confines of your house, studio, barn (or whatever) and set-up up under the starry loft of a late Summer’s sky. All the while, doing so with no preconceived notion of a plan. As the red plant Mars traverses through the constellation Aquarius, let your strings harmonize and disharmonize with celestial tones primordial. Then what might happen?

(P.S., I did find some of Susan’s music on the internet, and after listening to, ordered the CD from bOb, per the above link -- hope he has some in stock!)
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Susan Alcorn (deceased)

Baltimore, MD, USA
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2003 7:07 am    
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I think that, for a moment, Mars -- and Venus -- would be very happy.

[This message was edited by Susan Alcorn on 16 August 2003 at 08:11 AM.]

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