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Author Topic:  Need Classic PSG Graphic
Ray Minich


Bradford, Pa. Frozen Tundra
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2003 1:07 pm    
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Hiya fellow steelers;

I'm working on converting a pedal steel guitar video into a chaptered DVD. What that provides is the ability to play a section over and over and over again (some of us don't learn that fast). Do that with a videotape and you tear up/wear out the videotape. It's especially useful with a DVD player (or PC with a DVD drive) in that you can hit the "replay/repeat" button and repeat the section automatically until you either get the piece or give up, without wearing anything out.

What I'm looking for is a neat graphic or two to use as the backdrop/background for the DVD content menu(s). I could go copy one from a website but that wouldn't be ethical, or nice, and what I've found from my short membership here is that you're all a bunch of pretty nice, helpful people.

If anyone has a .png, .jpg, .bmp, or compatible graphic of a classic or contemporay pedal steel guitar, that fits into a 720x480 bitmap, that you'd contribute for free, I'd be really greatful.

I'm not doing this for money, but for the love of the steel, and to see if the idea actually will work.

Thanks and regards....

Emmons S-10, Dekely s-10, Nashville 400
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Alexander Zaalberg


Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2003 5:19 am    
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Hello Ray,

I'll see what I can do. Perhaps I photograph one of my own PSG's and turn it into a graphic. Is your email address in your profile your most current one?


Alexander Zaalberg
the Netherlands
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John Hawkins


Onalaska, Tx. on Lake Livingston * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2003 8:00 am    
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Ray ,
I'll send what I have via e-mail to you .

I hope it will fit your needs .You can save it from my e-mail into documents for later use .

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