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Les Pierce

Shreveport, LA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2003 10:56 pm    
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Do any of you North West fellas know who played steel on Benny's "Laugh, Dance, and Sing" LP?

The jacket mentions Geno Keyes on piano, and Doug Atwell on fiddle, and I recognize Gene Breedon and the usual suspects on the rest, but I don't recognize the steel pickin'. Sounds like a Sho~Bud.

It's on Charter records, and all the songs are "Ripcord Music", and "I'm a Truck Music", so you know where it was recorded at.

Just curious. BTW, whatever happened to Benny? Anybody know?

Take care and thanks,

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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2003 2:16 pm    
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Id love to know myself. ( bump).

I have all three Buzz Martin 33s, and several old Ripcord 45s. "Heart we're in Trouble Again, Gene B", I was just walking out the door" Rip Edwards, and a couple of "vanity" pressings.

I seem to remember Gene as "possibly" playing psg, and I know Danny Shields, Ray Montee, Maybe Chuck Wright, Wayne Matthews, Pete Martell, and others were "around" in that period.

I'd like to know. I know Gino is still around, and Buss Boyk is still playing fiddle gigs. Bobby Gibson played a lot of guitar, as well as Steve West. (no relation to me).

I wish I had a copy of the guest book at Danny Shields' wake. It'd definitely be a good record of "who's who" in the early years around the PNW.

Maybe somebody will hit on it.


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Larry Behm

Mt Angel, Or 97362
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2003 2:40 pm    
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I'll put a small amount of money on Gene Brown.

Larry Behm
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Les Pierce

Shreveport, LA
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2003 10:48 pm    
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There must be a ton of stuff recorded at Ripcord in closets and attics all over the valley. My brother used to hit the Goodwill stores in the Salem area, and found them pretty regular 10, 15 years ago.

I used to have a few, (both lp's and 45's): Joe and Judy Keener (The Cascade Sweethearts), Rex Bennet, C.B Woods, Ray Concho, Jim Cunningham, and probably some more I can't remember right now.

Gene Breedon had a good thing going on there for a while. I remember a little (very little) competion from Recording Associates, back then, too.

(Gene told me the secret was having a good house band).

The only house musicians I remember are: Gene Breedon, Geno Keyes, Danny Breedon and Ellis Miller, but then again, I didn't get to spend a lot of time up there.

Breedon played steel on Joe and Judy's "Half as Much", and it definitely was not the same as on the playing on Benny Tibbets lp.

Thanks, guys,

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Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2003 10:08 am    
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Hi Les! How's everything going at your new location? What a blast from the past...I remember Ray Concho and of course neither of us will ever forget ol' J.C... We gotta try and look him up sometime. The name Gene Breedon sounds real familiar but I can't quite place him. I didn't get around the Portland/Salem area as much or as long as you did. I ran into Danny Shields a time or two, and I remember seeing Ellis Miller once at a jam session at a club in Portland, think it was the "Nashville West" or something like that... man, when I heard him play his solo in 6 Days on the road I thought he was really hot, gave me something to shoot for. That had to be back around '73 or '74.....

Anyway, nice to see you on the Forum.

[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 23 June 2003 at 11:14 AM.]

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Gene H. Brown


Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada
Post  Posted 24 Jun 2003 10:06 pm    
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I'll confess, I was the steeler during that period. Worked as staff steeler and bass and whatever else came up for quite a few years. Geno Keyes and I were part of the Band for Ira Allen and the studio staff at Ripcord for a number of years.
Thanks for remembering guys
Gene Brown

If You Keep Pickin That Thing, It'll Never Heal!

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Les Pierce

Shreveport, LA
Post  Posted 25 Jun 2003 9:01 pm    
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Gene, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Very nice steel playing. I wish I had gotten around a little more when I lived and picked up there, but I was on the road most of the time. I sure missed out on a lot of good players. (Yukon Territory! I've been as far North as Fort McMurray, but that is about it).

Jim, great to hear from you. I emailed you. Did you get it? I wish I had some recordings of the JC show. You were playing stuff I could only dream of, back then.

Thanks everybody,

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Les Pierce

Shreveport, LA
Post  Posted 25 Jun 2003 9:09 pm    
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I just re-read your posting, and just wanted to say my Dad (Stan Pierce), was a good friend of Buzz Martin. Biscuit gave him (or maybe sold him), Buzz's old mandolin. Dad went with Buzz on the road for one or two jobs, years ago.

One of these days, when I'm up visiting my friends and family, I'll try to come hear you pick. All my family is in the Salem, Corvallis area, so Portland is just a skip up the road. I try to get up that way once a year, but won't make it this year, I don't think.

Thanks for the memory,


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