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Author Topic:  A steel guitar that tunes Itself...is it coming?
Tom Olson


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2003 11:11 am    
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Chris -- excellent post and very good points. I would tend to think that the first baby step would be to develop a system that would simply keep the guitar in tune rather than replace the changer mechanism, etc. etc. etc. Then, later more baby steps could be taken to expand the total capability of the technology.

With a simply tuning system, I don't think you'd need much of a processor. I would think you could get by with a simple on-board pre-programmed micro processor (chip).

I can think of one problem that such a tuning system could possibly resolve -- at least partially: the infamous "Just/Tempered Tuning Issue."

I would think such a system could be programmed to keep a psg in a Just tuned mode (if desired) to the greatest extent practicable. In other words, it could be programmed to retune the strings to correlate with various pedal and/or knee lever combinations so that the guitar is constantly justly tuned (do I have that term correct?), at least to the extent that it is possible.

'Course, maybe not. I'm not a tuning wizard, so maybe it wouldn't work. Just a thought, though.
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Post  Posted 15 Jan 2003 1:11 pm    
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Tom - sure.
Until that time comes - check out the new VS-1 virtual strobe tuner - Peterson strobe tuners. <$200 I met the factory rep. at the HSGA convention and he's jazzed about steel now. Perhaps we'll see some more steel focus from them? Anyway - a cool tuner!! http://www.petersontuners.com/

Chris Kennison
Ft. Collins, Colorado
"There is no spoon"

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Al Vescovo


Van Nuys, CA, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 20 Jan 2003 4:53 pm    
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Here's another Baby in the pot! Let's make each pedal and knee lever a volume control and then we could eliminate the volume pedal and use both feet and knees!!!!.
Good Luck, Al
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Jay Dee Maness


North Hills, CA
Post  Posted 21 Jan 2003 4:32 pm    
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I wish a self tunig guitar would hurry-up and get here.
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