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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2001 6:26 am    
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I just received my copy of the new CD by "The Secret Combination", with Forumite Johan Jansen on steel. Wow! This is as good a country-rock album as I've ever heard. The singing and songwriting are excellent, the band is very tight, and Johan is playing superbly. I have to keep reminding myself that these songs were written (and sung) by people whose native language is not English: you would never know this from listening. If you like Neil Young, Gram Parsons, and that sort of sound, you'll dig The Secret Combination. Great work, Johan!

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2001 9:06 am    
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I agree. It's a really great album, with lots of steel. You can buy it from the Forum catalog here in the US. Click here.
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Johan Jansen

Post  Posted 20 Aug 2001 7:58 am    
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We hit national popradio in Holland this week!
Album of the week on radio 3, nice to hear your band between Britney Spears, Destinéys Child , Robby Williams and Limb Biscuit
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Paul Graupp


Macon Ga USA
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2001 8:21 am    
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Way To Go, Johan !! Good work; Good Music; Good folks !! There is nothing left to yearn for !!

Best Regards, Paul
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Jeff Lampert


queens, new york city
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2001 8:36 am    
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Congratulations Johan.
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Johan Jansen

Post  Posted 21 Aug 2001 9:59 am    
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Who of you can translate this to me?
From my bandguys I get nothing but craptalk
Thanks, JJ

Este disco me lo mando Johan Jansen a quien todos los del Jambaaya conoceis. Ademas de tocar en C.O.D. tambien toca la steel para esta banda, tambien Holandesa. Sin embargo aqui la steel no es protagonista. Proportiona el ambiente musical adecuado desde el fondo. En este disco nadie es protagonista. Los musicos han consequedo este harmonia tan dificil de encontrar y la transmiten a lo largo de todo el album, ofreciendo un marco excelante a la voz de Jeff Mitchell, su cantante y compositor de las canciones. El grupo despliega un estilo muy personel dentro del country alternativo. La grabacion ha cido en directo, que siempre se agradece, ya que permite que se establizca esta relation especial entre los musicos que luego envuelve al que lo escucha. Puede que "How far is hello"se apartye un tanto de la linea general del disco, pero no por ello el album es menos interessante.
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2001 10:13 am    
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I found a translator on the web that did this rather incomplete job. It still makes little sense to me.
This one disco the Johan Jansen to whom all of the of the Jambaaya know . Besides touching in C. O. D. Also touchs the steel for this gang, also Holandesa. However here the steel not is protagonista. Proportiona the atmosphere musical adecuado since the fund. In this disco nobody is protagonista. The musicos have consequedo this harmonia so difficult of finding and the transmit to long of all the album, offering a mark excelante to the voice of Jeff Mitchell, her singer and compositor of the canciones. The group despliega a very style personel inside of the country alternativo. The grabacion has cido in directo, that always is thanked
, since allow which establizca this relation special among those musicos that then envuelve to the that listens . Is able that " How far is hello " apartye a little of the line General of the disco, but for it the album not is less interessante.

The translator is at www.sancho.com/trans.html. Here's another bad translation from babelfish.altavista.com/tr
This disc me the control Johan Jansen to whom all those of the Jambaaya conoceis. Ademas to touch in C.O.D. also touches steel for this band, also Dutch. Nevertheless aqui steel is not protagonist. Proportiona the suitable musical atmosphere from the bottom. In this disc nobody is protagonist. The musicos are consequedo this harmonia so dificil to find and they transmit throughout all the album, offering a excelante frame to the voice of Jeff Mitchell, its singer and composer of the songs. The group unfolds a style very personel within country alternative. The recording has cido in direct, that always is thanked for, since it allows that establizca this relation special between the musicos that soon surround that it listens to it. It can that " How Officers' Club of Revolutionary Armed Forces is hello"se apartye somewhat of the general line of the disc, but for that reason the album is not less interessante.
I'm assuming that the original is in Spanish??

Bobby Lee - email: quasar@b0b.com - gigs - CDs
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (E7, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (F Diatonic)
Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6)

[This message was edited by Bobby Lee on 21 August 2001 at 11:26 AM.]

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