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Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 4:30 am    
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I bought my computer system a year ago. It came pre-loaded with Windows 98SE, and other programs. What i would like to do is start over because over time i have deleted many Windows files, and installed suspect programs from CD roms.

So, how do i erase my harddrive and ram, so that i can then reinstall my original programs. I have no files that need backing up. I want to make sure nothing survives in my registry. Is the registry a part of Windows?

I hope you understand what i'm going for here. TIA

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 6:48 am    
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If you have a bootable floppy, that is made from the Windows "recovery disk", that should have CD support on it and it will also have the format program. You should be able to reformat the drive and then load windows from a complete version of Windows (you can't use an "updgrade" version as it has to see a version of windows already on there.

To make a "startup disk" (and this should not matter about the update lock out problem), go to My Computer and then Control Panel and then click on Add/Remove Software. When that panel comes up, click on the Startup Disk tab and then follow the directions to make a bootable floppy for that particular system.

Boot up with that floppy to make sure it boots and that it also has CD Rom support so you can reload windows from a CD. You can doublecheck the CD support by loading any CD in the CD Drive and then do a directory change to that drive and then do a directory listing or something just to make sure it works.
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Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 8:02 am    
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I tried to make a "start-up disk", but was asked to insert Windows 98 SE CD rom". I don't seem to have that. I have a 98 SE diskette. I also have a "Windows 98 Starts Here" CDrom.

I have the CD roms for the other programs, but not Windows. According to "the system" file in the Control Panel my version is registered to my name with a registration number. So, i believe it's legit.

Now, what do i do?
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 8:12 am    
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Windows 98 comes on a CD. If you only have a diskette, it is not win98 or even win 3.1 (which came on diskette but there was about 8 or 10 diskettes for the complete program).

The diskette you have may be a startup diskette.

You are going to have to get a full version of Win98 (or Win95) before you reload the system. If you have a full version Win95 that will work and then, if you have a Win98 or WinME upgrade CD it will work.

I don't know why it asks for the Win98 CD to make the startup diskette. I don't remember Windows asking for that. Are you sure you were in the correct section as the Add programs will ask for the Win98 CD.

But check the diskette you have and see what is on it, like I said that may be a startup diskette. The big thing is getting it booted up in DOS so you can reformat the hard drive and have the CD Rom operational.

You could load a full version of Win98 from windows but I don't know if that would take care of your customization problems.
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Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 9:00 am    
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I put the floppy disk in. It went through some device checks and then finished with:

"Windows 98 Setup files not found
AOh Well>"

Then it does nothing. This final text(above) displays when i try all three prompts found at bootup(text below):

1 Perform Windows 98 setup with CDrom
2 Perform setup with CDrom support
3 Perform setup without CDrom support

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Craig Allen


Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 9:08 am    
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Jack, this sounds like a "Branded" system.
When he baught it, it probably came with a boot floppy, and a "restore" disk.

So, if he just runs the "restore" disk, he should be able to do what he wants to do, without all the mess.

{If when, 98SE was loaded for the first time, the "back-up" feature wasn't selected during the load, the computer won't have "make back-up disk" feature, and it will need to be loaded from the 98SE disk, before he can make a boot disk.}
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Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 9:14 am    
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My error!

No C Allen, i have the "create restore disk" function, it was just that it asks to insert the 98SE rom first. I didn't think i had it but, guess what?

It turns out i found the CDrom in a stack of audio CDs. I forgot i put it there. It's in a jewel case and it looks like all the others. I have never once used it. Now i will.

Thanks to both of you, and i will let you know how far i get with resetting everything.

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Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 12:07 pm    
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This has been a time consuming learning experience.

So, i was able to make a startup disk. I loaded it in, turn on the computer, and read the help text file. It tells you that you can format the hard drive by typing "FORMAT C:" in the DOS prompt. But to save your system for startup to type "FORMAT C: /s". This didn't help because when i tried to "startup" from the C: drive it didn't respond. So, i used the floppy instead and followed the Windows loading procedure. I loaded the compact version, which i see was a mistake. So now, i plan on formatting my hard drive again, but without saving "system" files, and reloading mega Windows98SE. The one problem i did have was Windows did not detect my modem. I have a Windows card modem. Anyone know why that might have happened?

[This message was edited by erik on 17 June 2001 at 01:09 PM.]

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Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 12:18 pm    
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OK, the modem software is on the manufacturer support disk. I think it's all coming together now.

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2001 1:07 pm    
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Sounds like you are coming along OK, Erik. We'll make a PC techie out of you yet!
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