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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2006 10:06 am    
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I went and bought a couple of hi power SS amps in the last few weeks.. Both are gone already.. SS amps and I just do NOT operate on the same wavelength... I just cannot deal for some odd reason...

Anyway, I am also starting to sour on my old Fender amps... getting tired of the fact I just cannot get them clean up at "gig" volume... what to do??.. Started wondering what is out there that doesn't sound sterile, but will handle some input in the front end without distorting instantly.. Took a chance on a MINT Peavey Classic 100.. all tubes.. 8 EL 84 in the output section... Not exactly a Fender sound really, but every bit as nice.. What a warm, sweet compressed sound this amp has.. LONG sustain almost as if a compressor were being used... I am really happy with the tone of this amp.. LOUD as hell too... I know these are not "voiced" for steel, but if you like your steel through a tube amp, this may be a keeper for you..

I have had 3 Delta Blues amps and a Classic 50 2x12 comco and always liked the tone of this series amp. It has a great overdrive channel too.. I can dial in heavy ,terrible sounding ,way too saturated distortion or just a bit of bluesy overdrive at the push of a button, and then go right back to a warm buttery clean for the steel.. These are TERRIFIC amps.. if you ever see one, GRAB it,,, so far I am VERY happy with this amp, and as you guys know, I hate EVERYTHING ...

I am REALLY liking Peavey tube amps these days, and if my Fender amps don't cut the crap they keep pulling on me, its down the road to ebayland.... bob
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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2006 10:21 am    
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I've been watching these amps used on ebay and they are a terrific value. I was going to get just the head version to use with a cabinet. They seem to be more popular for steel players than the ValveKing series. I paid $600 for my Fender Hot Rod Deluxe brand new and never felt good about the price new although it's a great guitar amp. I am happy with my FSK but would love to get higher volume tube sound for the steel like I get at low volumes on my HR Deluxe.

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Mike Fried


Nashville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2006 10:43 am    
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If you really want to max out the warm and round thing with a Peavey Classic 100 amp, replace the first preamp tube with a 12AY7. That will increase the input headroom even more, while the 100+/- watts still provides plenty of volume. The only gripe I have with that series amp (common to many El84 amps) is that the high plate voltage burns up the power tubes pretty quickly, compared to a bf or sf Twin.
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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2006 10:49 am    
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For a while I owned a Peavey Classic 50 2x12 All~Tube Amp. and I liked it a lot, however; I traded it off on a new ’65 Re-Issue Fender Twin~Reverb Custom™ 15”, because; that darned 'ole ‘Cooling Fan’ drove me ‘‘‘B-a-n-a-n-a-s’’’ at home in a quiet room¡ Besides that, if I had it to do again, I might have tried the Classic 50 4x10 instead! (???)

“Big John”
a.k.a. {Keoni Nui}
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2006 10:58 am    
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I too am a huge fan of the Classic 50's , great amps. Some of the older Classic Tube amps are really awesome and can really hold there own with the Twins.

For my money, the Peavey Classic 50's and 30's are two of the best WORKING Guitar players amps out there today...

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 13 Jul 2006 5:17 am    
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It's funny this topic has been brought up because, like a dummy I recently went to play a gig and forgot my Nashville 400! I was forced to use the Classic 100 head for steel, that I generally use for guitar. It sounded great! Now, I just take the Classic 100 to play guitar and steel through.

However, a Nashville 112, 400 or 1000 sure sounds good too!
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 13 Jul 2006 6:33 am    
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Well Mike, I guess that actually was my point in this post... It seems the C 100 is an amp that will get you great sound on guitar and steel for double duty guys.. It is not designed for steel, [and of course no one would know that better than yourself]but is certainly VERY capable as a tube driven steel amp, and yet you get that gorgeous EL 84 tone on the guitar...

I am very glad I jumped on this one.. My Fenders are gonna be sitting in the bullpen for awhile.... bob
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c c johnson


killeen,tx usa * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 13 Jul 2006 7:32 am    
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Bob thats where Fenders belong; in the bullpen in the minor leagues. Sorry Jody the devil made me do that. cc
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Michael Haselman

St. Paul
Post  Posted 13 Jul 2006 9:04 am    
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I just retubed and respeakered my old Triumph 60 and it's sounding very nice. I wonder if someone (Mike B.) could tell me which preamp tubes go to which channel as I'd like to try a 12AT7 in the crunch channel. Looking from the back, anyone know from left to right, which tube goes to what?

Marrs D-10, Webb 6-14E, Peavey NV112, Hilton volume.

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