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Author Topic:  Grounding a turntable?
Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 17 Dec 2005 12:54 pm    
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I'm trying to hook my turntable up to the computer to tansfer some LPs to CD-Rs but I'm getting a bad buzz in the system somewhere. I'm assuming I need to ground the turntable,but maybe that's not the problem after all? It does have a ground wire that comes out of the turntable, but the wall sockets in my room don't have a little grounding screw between the two sockets to attach it to.

What do you suggest? Thanks,
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 17 Dec 2005 12:58 pm    
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Try hooking the ground wire to a screw on the back of the computer case. I always grounded my turntable to a lug on the back of the receiver back when there were turntables. And receivers. And zeppelins.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 17 Dec 2005 2:35 pm    
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Jim, If you do not have an RIAA preamp built into the turntable you can't go direct to the PC. There are a couple of turntables with built in RIAA preamps but not many.

An RIAA preamp is needed to (1) restore the full fidelity and (2) to bring the signal level up to a level that can be used by the PC.

A standard mixer will amplify the signal but they do not have the RIAA equalization. You will need to go to either a stereo system that has a "phono" input and then use the "line" or "recording" output from the stereo to feed the PC or buy a separate RIAA preamp (Radio Shack sells one).

As far as grounding, if you are able to connect the turntable direct, just ground it to any metal point on the PC.
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 17 Dec 2005 2:46 pm    
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Thanks guys, I'll try the PC. And, Jack, I did buy one of the Radio Shack boxes so that part should be okay.
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 17 Dec 2005 3:26 pm    
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Yup! That did the trick! Thanks dudes.
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Dave Boothroyd

Staffordshire Moorlands
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2005 1:48 am    
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I know one little trick that might come in useful Jim.
In my music room the Turntable is on the opposite side of the room from the amp and desk. I wanted to be able to move it easily, so I connected the cable to the turntable with an XLR connector (like a balanced mic lead) There was still the problem of the earth tail. If you look at a metal XLR, you will see that the body of the male and female plugs are insulated from the signal and screen terminals, but in contact with each other when the two halves are plugged together.
So I connected the earth tail to the body of the XLR and used a screened four core cable to take signal hot, cold, screen and earth to the amp on a single cable, with a single plug to disconnect when I want to move the turntable.


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