The Stereo Chorus 212 (with a LeMay mod) is the amp I use most of the time. The "Classic Chorus" is similar, but has 100 less watts (150 RMS vs. the 250 RMS of the Stereo Chorus), and it doesn't have the digital effects package, either. I'd consider the Classic Chorus rather marginal for pedal steel. Although its chorus is nice sounding, this amp is really voiced for lead guitar, and as such, it doesn't have much of a low end. My Stereo Chorus 212 has the Lemay mod, which took it from a so-so steel amp to a pretty decent one.
I'm pretty sure neither has been made recently, so either one you locate will be used, and more than a few years old.[This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 08 August 2005 at 03:57 PM.]