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Author Topic:  '68 Fender Bandmaster Cabinet
Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2004 7:55 pm    
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I'm thinking about selling my 68 Bandmaster cabinet (keeping the head)...but I don't know how much to ask for it. Can anyone give me an idea about an average fair price? It's in pretty good shape with a few exceptions. Here's a page with the same type as mine:

Mine has excellent grillcloth and the Tolex covering is excellent on all sides except for some scuffs on the right side (looking at it as in the photo) and two of the little round feet on that side are missing. Also, it has original speakers, one is excellent, the other was worn around the edge by the roll (forgot what you call that part), a small bead of silicone fixed it and it sounds fine but to be completely honest I'd have to say it has one good speaker and one not-so-good one that seems OK now but should be reconed to be really right. So, what do you think I should ask for this? I can show photos of it if it'd help...any suggestions?

[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 06 July 2004 at 09:28 PM.]

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Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2004 7:18 am    
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No one has any idea what I oughta ask for it?
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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2004 7:37 am    
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These cabs are an enigma. I think Fender just enlarged the cabs and heads during this era to just look BIG and massive like the other big cabinet companies like Marshall, Sun etc. They certainly don't sound any better than the smaller Bandmaster cab. The first issue 60s small Bandmaster, Bassman cabs with two 12s bring $250-350 easily.

Your cabinet alone is probably worth $150 or so, BUT it is worth more if you keep it paired up with the original amp in my opinion.
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Mark Metdker


North Central Texas, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2004 8:28 am    
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I agree with Bill. the small cabs are more desirable. As you know, that cab is huge! I know because I have one just like it, and have no idea what to do with it. I bought it for the amp, not the speaker cab. The
'68 amp has the same circuitry as the black face super reverb. (so I'm told) If you try to sell it, I'll bet you will not get much for it. It is worth more as a set.
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Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2004 9:07 am    
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Thanks guys, yes I agree the smaller cabs were better, I had one too but didn't have room to bring it here, drat. I found this amp & cab in a private school's gym, they were using it for a P.A.! My friend's wife was the principal, I offered them $300 for it and didn't know if it worked or not, they said O.K. It turned out to need a couple new tubes and the reverb wires re-soldered, works and sounds great. I'd like to keep them together just to have it complete...but may need to sell a couple things around here...I'm keeping the head for sure. Our U.S. vehicle permits have expired and can't get them renewed, and the Mex. gov. has put a hold on legalizing foreign vehicles, so now we're stuck with buying another car! Life is never a dull moment...
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