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Author Topic:  Sizzling problem with Profex ll / suggestions?
Mike Headrick

South Pittsburg, TN, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2004 10:31 am    
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Have you experienced a frying or sizzling at the tail of a sustained note while playing through a Profex ll? This is my second Profex and I've had the problem with both of them (after a while). When the first one I owned did it, a Lemay mod kit cured it, but I don't want to modify this one. It's happening in the left channel only. Is the battery getting low? Suggestions for resolving this would be appreciated. Sending it down to Peavey is on resolution, but I'll save that one for last.

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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2004 3:23 pm    
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I always get that when a compressor is in the chain. Never had it otherwise. The battery is there only for user memory backup. If it leaks it can cause a lot of problems. Just remove the top and take a look at it. It is easy to do, two screws on each side to remove. There is one screw on the front (off center to the left, just above the left arrow button) and one on the rear near center.

The same chips are used in the Peavey mod kit, so if you send to them you could get the kit, a battery and even version 1.5 (unless you have it already) while it is there!

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 06 July 2004 at 04:24 PM.]

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