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Author Topic:  Nashville 400
Paul King


Gainesville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 28 Sep 2003 4:06 pm    
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I have played thru a Nashville 400 for a long period of time. Right now I have reached a point where I have lost a good clear tone and my mid ranges sound like a nasal congestion. I see you guys talk about some kind of modification for these amps and am wondering if I should go in that direction. My lows are great and the highs could be better as well. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated....Paul King
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Bob Metzger


Waltham (Boston), MA, USA
Post  Posted 28 Sep 2003 4:35 pm    
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Try either the Miracle Audio mod or the Peavey Tone Enhancement mod. The chorus is out on which mod is really better but either will improve a stock NV 400 alot in the ways that you mentioned in your post. After a certain serial number (some time in the 90's), Peavey started incorporating this mod into the NV 400 when manufactured.

I prefer a JBL D-140 in these amps but there are lots of cool speakers made today. I disliked the BW 1502 that came stock with my early 80's NV 400, however some C6 players like this speaker. Speaker voicing is really an individual thing, kinda like politics and religion.

I have a mod to improve the reverb for this amp model, if that's an issue with you as well.

If cost effectiveness is part of the equation, try the Peavey mod; it's cheap and cheerful and all you'll need is a soldering iron and a somewhat methodical mind.

Bob M.
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Larry Jamieson

Walton, NY USA
Post  Posted 28 Sep 2003 5:29 pm    
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Bob, can you tell us more about the reverb mod? My N400is new enough so it has the Peavey mod, but I have always felt that the reverb could be better. Thanks, Larry J.
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