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Author Topic:  Tascam CD-GT1
Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2003 6:06 pm    
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I just picked up one of these units for slowing down songs and changing keys. Just one note to all. The "Key" function will not respond to the keypad if the "SSA" function is set to "ON". The "SSA"function must be turned off first. You do this by toggling through the keypad. The"SSA" function is for slowing down the track without changing key or pitch. This drove me crazy for about a half hour. If you want to go back and slow songs down in key just set the"SSA" function back to "ON". I suspect this is why at least a few of these units are being returned.
I am working on the Tom Cattin album which was recorded in Eb. With the GT-1 I can raise the key back up to E without changing speed.
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