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Post  Posted 30 Jul 2003 3:10 am    
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Here's an ignorant question. What's the difference between the Pre Equalization in/out and the Power Amp In/Pre Amp Out? It seems that they can both be used to add effects pedals, but I don't understand what the difference is. Any explanation will be greatly appreciated.
Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2003 4:05 am    
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[This message was edited by Fred Shannon on 06 December 2004 at 02:27 AM.]

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2003 10:12 am    
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The signal flow chart included in the operating guide should give you an idea of how a device is effected by where it is inserted into which particular loop.

We recommend that you use the PRE EQ SEND to connect to the input of your volume pedal, and connect the output of your volume pedal to the PRE EQ RETURN jack. What this does is allow the pickup of your instrument to be unaffected by the movement of the rotary pot of your pedal which could change the tone.

The PRE AMP OUT is after the LINE OUT on the 1000, so when you connect the LINE OUT to a console, the volume isn't affected by your MASTER GAIN control.

For effects devices, the PRE AMP OUT is line level(nominal 1 volt)and the attached effects device must be able to handle a 1 volt signal.

The PRE EQ SEND is considered low level(nominal .035 volts), so your effects device should be a low signal device.

True, both patch points can be used to insert effects, but one may work better than the other depending on how much signal it can take and it can reproduce.
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Post  Posted 30 Jul 2003 10:42 am    
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Thanks, Mike. Here's more from Aubry:

1) The Power Amp In/Pre Amp Out plugs - when would I use these? I
understand their purpose.
**** This is a multi-purpose patch point. It is another "effects loop".
But, the Pre-amp output would be used for PA type outboard effects
devices which operate off of a 1 volt input signal.Such as a graphic
equalizer, compressor, or some other sort of processor. The pre-amp
output would be connected into the outboard effects input and it's
output would be connected back into the Nashville 1000 Power Amp input.
Completing the "effects loop" ( through the external device ). A second
use of the Pre-amp output is to connect it to a mixer or recorders
input. Using the Pre-amp output doesn't interfere with the internal
signal path.
Note: ( The Nashville 1000's Effects output is 1/3 to 1/2 of a volt
Another use of the Power amp input is if you had another outboard
pre-amplifier you wanted to use instead of the Nashville 1000. Such as a
Profex II. Then you could connect your guitar into the Profex II's input
and then connect the Profex II's output into the Nashville 1000's Power
Amp input. Thereby bypassing the Nashville 1000's pre-amp section. So,
the pre-amp output and Power Amp input provide flexibility for various
setup situations.

2) Pre EQ patch vs. Post EQ patch. Why would I use one rather than
other? In both cases, the signal ends up going through the amp's EQ
circuitry, so what's the point of having a loop before vs after?
****The Pre-EQ patch is for volume pedals and the Post EQ patch is for
additional external effects devices. Thanks,

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