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Author Topic:  Nashville 1000 Hookup
Ronnie Baker


Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2003 5:12 pm    
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Can anyone tell me how to hook up two Nashville 1000's to get true stereo sound?
Or can it be done?
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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2003 6:23 pm    
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In my electronically illiterate mind, to have 'True-Stereo' you would need two sources of sound. In other words two P/U's, + two volume controls and cords to two seperate amplifiers. I am not aware of anyone doing this today! The closest that I know of is one P/U Output running to two volume pots and out to either two seperate amplifiers or one Stereo-Amp. Todays sound can, at most, be called 'Compatable-Stereo' Or you can run one signal to one vol. pot and out to two seperate amplifiers or both channels of a stereo amp. Still compatable Stereo. I just finished 21 yrs. of Compatable-Stereo in either of the latter sequences! Quite effective. As for tone (EQ) I have always found an acceptable tone and used those settings in all venues! Otherwise, it'll drive you 'crazy'!

“Big John” wknsg®
Franklin, D–10 9 & 8
Goodrich, 6a Match Box
Peavey, Classic 50 – 212
Enhancer, E–LG
Alesis, QuadraVerb+ http://community.webtv.net/KeoniNui/BigJohnBechtels

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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2003 6:25 pm    
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In my electronically illiterate mind, to have 'True-Stereo' you would need two sources of sound. In other words two P/U's, + two volume controls and cords to two seperate amplifiers. I am not aware of anyone doing this today! The closest that I know of is one P/U Output running to two volume pots and out to either two seperate amplifiers or one Stereo-Amp. Todays sound can, at most, be called 'Compatable-Stereo' Or you can run one signal to one vol. pot and out to two seperate amplifiers or both channels of a stereo amp. Still compatable Stereo. I just finished 21 yrs. of Compatable-Stereo in either of the latter sequences! Quite effective. As for tone (EQ) I have always found an acceptable tone and used those settings in all venues! Otherwise, it'll drive you 'crazy'! BTW: I've been using two Nashville 1000's for the past two years, up until 06/Fri.13th/03.

“Big John” wknsg®
Franklin, D–10 9 & 8
Goodrich, 6a Match Box
Peavey, Classic 50 – 212
Enhancer, E–LG
Alesis, QuadraVerb+ http://community.webtv.net/KeoniNui/BigJohnBechtels

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2003 5:38 am    
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John is correct about the "true" stereo setup, ie; it would require two separate outputs from two separate pickups on your guitar. However, I assume that you have one pickup on your guitar and maybe two outputs on your volume pedal? If so, simply connect the output of your guitar to the input of your volume pedal, then the two outputs would connect to the input of each amp separately.

If your volume pedal only has one output, then connect from that one output to the input of amp #1, and using another shielded cable connect from the PRE AMP OUT on that amp to the POWER AMP IN jack on the second amp. With this setup, only the controls on the first amp are active.

Both of the above amp configurations are mono and not stereo though. If you have questions about any wiring configuration, feel free to call me toll free at the factory. My number is 1-877-732-8391.

Mike Brown
Customer Services
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CrowBear Schmitt

Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2003 6:26 am    
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Ronnie, my reply here might not pertain to your question:
using an effects unit w: stereo outputs will give you quite an enhanced sound if that's what your lookin for

Steel what?

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Michael Holland

Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2003 6:26 am    
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You can use stereo effects by sending your processor's stereo outputs to different amps. This will give you stereo chorus that moves within the stereo field and ping pong or panning delays that 'bounce around'. You'll lose the advantage of the three-cord-hookup and may need to use a buffering device if going into the effects unit first.

Mike B., if you cascade the amps by using the pre-amp out like you described does the three-cord-hookup control the slave amp as well?
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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2003 6:44 pm    
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Because I have been using two 1000 amps for the past two years, I'll jump in and say that going from the Pre-Amp Out of #1 amp to the Pwr-Amp IN of #2 amp, you will have to balance the two amps by adjusting 'Both' Master Volumes, or just turn both Full CW.
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