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Author Topic:  Fender's New Vibroverb
Greg Derksen


Alberta, Canada
Post  Posted 9 May 2003 12:39 pm    
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Had a chance to play Fender's new Vibroverb,
just with a strat, but what I can tell you is
Fender has finally got a true Blackface amp
back on the market,
It has the 3-D sound that the old blackface
and early silverface amps have, nice open
warm sound, its funny cause the week before
I played a healthy 65 Twin (Original) and it was night and day to the Re-isue Circuit board twin, but this Vibroverb, has got a similar tone and will only get better with
a few hours on the speaker.
I think Fender now has 4 point to point amps
on the market, Tone-Master, Dual Professional, Vibro King, and VibroVerb,
there sure is a sound improvement on these
amps compared to there circuit board re-isues! Greg
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