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Author Topic:  Speaker Connections
Carter York


Austin, TX [Windsor Park]
Post  Posted 5 May 2003 4:22 pm    
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Hi y'all,

I have a couple of questions about hooking up loudspeakers to listen to steelguitar music...

1 - What considerations are there if my reciever/amp currently has 'clamps' that accept the bare-wire end of speaker cables, and I want to test out an old rec/amp that
accepts 'phono' type plugs for the loudspeakers? Can I simply make a set of speaker wires with those connectors on one end?

2 - I have an old Magnavox speaker, that has two round cones, one at each end of the cabinet, and the speaker wire (pre-wired) I plug into the amp/reciever has three leads, two go to a pair of neg/pos (one channel), and the third goes to the other channel's negative clamp, so I get the left and the right channel of the A-speaker clamps. I just picked up an old bakelite single cone speaker (looks like an old classroom speaker from elementary school) that has two wires coming from the cone. I attached speaker wire to those, and then put the ends into one channel (left) of the B-speaker clamps. Now, when I just listen to the Magnavox ("A" speakers) it sounds great, and when I just listen to the bakelite ("B" speakers) it sounds good as well (just the left channel). When I combine *both* speakers, the sound in the Magnavox not only drops drastically, it also seems to lose one of the channels. The bakelite speaker never seems to change with both sets of speakers 'on'. Does that make enough sense for someone to explain to me what is going on, and if there is a way to 'fix' it? Any help or insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

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