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Author Topic:  Session 400 Booster jack
Shaan Shirazi


Austin, TX, USA
Post  Posted 26 Oct 2001 6:28 am    
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I'm not sure of the year of my Session 400 but it has two jacks in the back, one says footswitch and the other says booster. What does the booster do. I doubt anyone I've ever played with thinks I need a booster.


The Pickin' Paniolo
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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 26 Oct 2001 7:02 am    
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The "Booster" jack is basically a "line-out" jack...... You can use a mike cable to go into a mixer-board or go into a Power-amp such as the CS-800.

I am not sure if the signal path of the "Nashville 400" is broken or not,I will check that for you if you want.

My older sessions 400 amp booster jack is:
taped right off the speaker. it has a 15k resistor to groung and a 47k feed-thru resistor. It does NOT break the signal path to the power-amp or the speaker. I can send you a printout of it if you wish.

[This message was edited by Bill Crook on 26 October 2001 at 08:08 AM.]

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