Sometimes it's easier to visualize setups like you describe if you draw a diagram... think about the direction of the signal chain(s) and draw it- even as a simple box and line diagram.
The first solution that comes to mind is to:
patch directly from the guitar to the stereo pedal.
Next patch one output of the stereo pedal into your FX, take an output from that to the 500. (If your fx are in a stereo unit you may lose one side of things like choruses and phase shifters or ping pong delays.)
next take a cord from the second output of the stereo volume pedal straight to the evans
that is the simple solution to what you asked- two seperate outputs each to a different amp,
I am unfamiliar with different Peavey amp features-I dunno if the 500 has an FX loop. that might even make it easier- a cord to each amp from the volume pedal, then patch the fx in the loop on the 500
depends on what kind of fx unit(s) you have too...
please elaborate a little?[This message was edited by Dave Van Allen on 16 March 2001 at 12:41 PM.]