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Author Topic:  Dual Professional vs Twin
Aaron Balano


San Anselmo, Ca
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2001 11:22 am    
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I am looking for a new amp to use with a stringmaster. Any comments on how a dual professional sounds compared to a twin or a vibrosonic? I have played through a Twin, but am curious about a dual professional and I want to stick with Fender amps (I think). Is it clean at loud volumes, does it have a good sounding reverb, etc...any comments would be appreciated.
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Jay Ganz

Out Behind The Barn
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2001 2:20 pm    
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I think those Dual Professionals are from
the Fender "Custom Shop" & the Twins or
Vibrosonics are just from the regular assembly line. The Custom Shop amps like
the Dual, the Vibro-King, Tone Master, etc.
are all hand wired instead of the printed
circuit boards in the regular amps. The
speakers used are also different.

Feelin' tense???...Pick some STEEL!!!

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Cartwright Thompson

Post  Posted 3 Mar 2001 3:08 am    
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I've got a '66 Twin and a c.97 Dual Professional. They are both wonderful.
I was very lucky and got them both very cheap,used. The DP has JBL D-120's and 7581 power tubes. Let's put it this way, I sometimes play with an absurdly loud band(with earplugs of course), and I've never gotten close to distortion. My pant legs will be flappin' but the amp stays clean.
The Reverb is superb, none better that I've heard. It is like a built-in Fender reverb box in that it has dwell, mix and tone controls.
The down side is that with JBL's it weighs a ton, 90lbs.+, although I've never weighed it(I don't want to know!). I always say that you've got to suffer for tone!
The quality of the cab and the lead dress inside is not that great but it is point-to-point wired which is worlds better than any of the new re-issue's PC boards.
I can't say enough about the way this thing sounds. I wouldn't buy a new one though, I think list is $3000 and I don't think any amp is worth that. I've seen them used for around $1300, worth every penny.
My Twin is of course wonderful as well. But it's 30+ years old and needs a tweak now and then which is usually no big deal and I actually enjoy doing. I usually run it at half power ( remove 2 power tubes) with a single D-130. I don't need another 2-12 amp! You can't beat a Fender Twin for any kind of steel guitar.
Oh, did I mention that I play Stringmasters, pre-war bakelite Ricks and a D-10 LeGrande?
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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 4 Mar 2001 9:24 pm    
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A great Fender tube amp for a Stringmaster is the Blues DeVille(now called the Hot Rod DeVille)it is available w/4-10s or 2-12s,it's got 60 watts,nice reverb,EFX loop,a good amount of headroom,built-in overdrive for those who like that(I never use it),street price new is about $500+change,and they show up used for $350-$400 all the time.I got one w/2-12s and that and my String are a wonderfully retro combination.At low to medium loud levels it's nice and sweet and when I crank it up,I get a sort of hi-fi version of that honkin' 40s and 50s Hank Williams steel sound.Its only got 2 6V6s and 3 12AX7s so it's cheap to keep in fresh tubes.They're easy to soup up,too. -MJ-
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Greg Derksen


Alberta, Canada
Post  Posted 6 Mar 2001 3:41 pm    
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Aaron, I just tried one, The Dual Professional, and it may be the best
Fender Clean Amp made today, we had it next to the Reisue 65' and the Rednob "The Twin"
in both cases the Dual Pro Kicked butt, I mean badly, However considering the cost of
them , I would look for a early silver face
twin and simply bring it back to Blackface
spec. Having said that I think the Dual Pro
may even nudge out a real blackface, for steel, but not with the Vintage 30 speakers,
those might have to go if you want that clear
bell like tone.
A good silver face twin can be awesome! Greg
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Cartwright Thompson

Post  Posted 8 Mar 2001 3:19 am    
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Needless to say, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the Dual Pro. It is THE ultimate tube amp for loud pedal steel. And yes, I ditched the Vintage 30's fast. Mine has JBL K-130's.
I have to say that the price of a new one is absurd BUT, if you really want one, scour the used sites (vintage guitar and gbase etc. ) they do turn up used. I paid $1000 for mine acouple of years ago and have seen 3 or 4 used in the $1200 range since then.
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Cartwright Thompson

Post  Posted 19 Mar 2001 2:56 am    
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Case in point: I just saw a Dual Professional listed for sale on the Vintage Guitar Website. Asking price is $1125, info at: sales@indoorstorm.com
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