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Wayne Tyler


new castle de USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2000 7:22 pm    
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Mike: I have a 1980 Session 400 that I have used on every job since I purchased it new. I have been told that with the 1975 Emmons push/pull that I use with it I get the real Emmons sound. I now have a problem with the amp. When I turn it on it screams real loud and when I immediately turn it off and turn the volume control down from 4 where I have it set, it's real scratchy like dust. Then when I turn it back on and turn the volume control up to 4 it starts to scream again. I am going to have to return to Peavey for service, and just wondered if you have every heard of this happening before? Can you give me the address where to send for service, and also will the factory tell me what it will cost before going ahead and fixing? Mike, I am now using a 1986 Nashville 400, and I'm having a terrible time getting the same sound from it as I get from the Session 400. Is it possible to get the same sound from the Nashville 400 as from the Session 400? It's just now the same. Thanks and please let me know.
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gary darr


Somewhere out in Texas
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2000 8:08 pm    
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Wayne,I had a similar problem with my session 500. I just bought some TV tuner cleaner from radio shack,pulled the plastic knob off and sprayed in a around the controll shaft and worked the controll back and forth,this usually clears up the problem.Allso I went ahead and pulled the head out of the cabinet and checked all the white molex connectors too. She's worked great ever since.

sho-bud,session 500,american standard strat,shecter tele,peavy classic 50
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2000 8:42 pm    
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Wayne, I agree with Gary. Spray the controls...it might just be a little dirt causing the problem. It could also be a cold solder joint causing some kind of regenerative feedback. I've had that happen sometimes in reverb circuits of amplifiers.

p.s. Do you still have that green Fender 1000?
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2000 10:42 am    
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I checked with our technicians. The first thing to do is turn the reverb control off to help narrow down the problem area. If the squealing ceases, the problem is either the reverb pan itself or something in the reverb circuit that is causing the symptom.

Next, I suggest that you use a product from CAIG Laboratory called Deoxit RN%, which is what we use to lube and clean pots here in the Peavey Service Department. However, it could be possible DC. If this is the case, I suggest that you take the amp to a qualified technician.
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