Mike Brown
From: Meridian, Mississippi USA
Posted 24 Oct 2000 1:59 pm
Peavey dealer/steel guitarist Harold Leach of Strings and Stripes in Eckville, Alberta Canada has submitted the following settings for Session 2000 users;
No Mode
3 band eq-type is guitar,LO-+50, Mfrq-850Hz., Mid-(-36), Hi-+38>
4 band eq-band 2, Frq.-1.7kHz., BW-1.1 octave, Gain-2.5 dB>
DL= type-mono, DL-.192ms, FB-18%, TS-off, Mix-25%>
RV=Type Plate, size-Huge, PD-.11ms, TM-2.8s-DP-off, Mix-+15%>
ST=shft.-+750Hz., Lo-+45, Mid-+3.5, Hi-+2, Vol.-.95, Pres.-+3>
TB=Mode clean, PR. 65, PF. Hi, PT. 80, B .48, M .55, T .39, PS +4>
3 Band=Ty Guitar, Lo-+30, MFrq. 780Hz., Mid-(-13), Hi-+35>
DL=Type-Mono, DL-193ms, Fb-22%, TS-Off, MX-+27%>
RV=Type-Spring, Size-Huge, PD-17ms, TM-3.1S, DP-OFF, Mx-17%>
ST=Shft.-750Hz., Lo-+11, Mid-+85, Hi-(-)5.5, Vol. 100, Prs.-+3>
TB+Md. Clean, PR- 95, PD-Hi, PT-70, B-+43, M-+60, T-+13, PS-+21>
DL=Type-Mono, DL-190ms, FB-20%, TS-OFF, MX-25%
RV=Type-spring, SZ-Huge, PD-15ms, TM-3.0s, DP-OFF, MX-25%>
CQ=Low-70, MD-56, Shift-86, Hi-20
Try these out on your Session 2000. These will work with a Tubefex or Transtube Fex also. However, you will have to add the TB effect parameter on these units and adjust them to your taste.