Mike Brown
From: Meridian, Mississippi USA
Posted 27 Oct 2000 8:55 am
Hello Rick,
Let me clear up a few terms for you. I think that you are speaking of the "clip" light, which is the input sensitivity indicator that is labeled "active clip" on the front panel of the Profex II. With your instrument plugged into the input of the unit, this light should blink according to how strong the signal from the instrument is. This is a bi-colored LED(Light Emmitting Diode)that should turn green with a clean input signal and red when the input signal is distorted. If the LED turns red, I suggest that you decrease or turn the input level control down until the LED blinks green, even at your strongest string attack.
I suggest that you reinitialize the unit by pressing and holding the PLAY and GLOBAL buttons similtaneously while plugging in power supply into the wall socket. This will reset the unit to factory specifications. CAUTION; This procedure will also delete any changes or custom presets that you have created. If you wish to save your presets, I suggest that you save the presets to a ram cartridge or a Peavey Cache Card 32.
After you have completed this procedure and the LED stays on without an input signal, the unit requires servicing by a qualified technician.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance with this matter. I can be reached at 1-877-732-8391. |