For those of you resonauts who don't lurk on the dry ol' events and announcements page:
I have a Show coming up this Friday 2/27 that may interest any of you Atlanta area folks- The Planet Riders will be at the Red Light cafe. (PR= my duo with talented and crazy Joe Kirkpatrick, mostly our own tunes with some Elton John, Elvis Costello and surprises. I play resos and pedal steel) This show will be a co-bill with Scott Stepakoff and The amazing Caroline Aiken. We're on at 9pm, c'mon and heckle. Bring your own vegetables. Also a Sugarland show coming up Friday March 26, at the Variety Playhouse, celebrating the finish of the MCA Cd, but I'll just be playing Pedal on that one.
Directions and such:
Stop by the Steel Store at:
[This message was edited by Mark van Allen on 24 February 2004 at 08:49 AM.]
[This message was edited by Mark van Allen on 24 February 2004 at 06:21 PM.]