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Post  Posted 3 Feb 2004 10:56 am    
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[This message was edited by Henry on 11 February 2004 at 12:18 PM.]

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Jeff Au Hoy

Honolulu, Hawai'i
Post  Posted 3 Feb 2004 11:16 am    
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Last edited by Jeff Au Hoy on 17 Jan 2018 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post  Posted 3 Feb 2004 11:39 am    
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It was the WRONG mp3,,,,,,,,,,,SORRY

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United Kingdom
Post  Posted 3 Feb 2004 12:14 pm    
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Hi Henry... please don't take this the wrong way, but, posting FULL length songs is not fair to the copyright holder, be it the artist or the artist's family or the writer or etc.Also it is in breach of international copyright laws and as such is ILLEGAL.
Please see this post :- http://steelguitarforum.com/Forum15/HTML/005758.html
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Post  Posted 3 Feb 2004 2:40 pm    
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lets listen to a PART of these 2 GIANTS.


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United Kingdom
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2004 2:24 am    
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Scott... whilst you may be correct, this forum contains the very people who would be potential BUYERS of this type of material.I don't think that to use the "Educational" loophole is realy in the spirit of fair play for the owners of the copyright material, and it certainly reduces the incentive for artist to record.

Clips of the songs/tunes, would have served the purpose adequately.
BTW in Europe even a clip made available would be an infringement.

[This message was edited by basilh on 04 February 2004 at 02:30 AM.]

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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2004 9:34 am    
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I downloaded both in sequential order. When the first download finished and began playing on my "real player", I could not believe it was Jerry Byrd. I thought to myself, wow! where has that recording been? I have never heard Jerry play like that?

Well fortunately, it was NOT Jerry of course, rather the 2nd download finished first; which was what happened.

I mean this as NO disrespect. So please, and to each his own. I do not care for that person's playing at all. For me it was just grating on my ears and boring.

Again, this is purely my feelings. He may be loved by many and may be among many of your favorites. If so, I sincerely respest that. But I simply could not even finish listening to it.

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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2004 9:45 am    
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Get a good look at Jerry's Sho-Bud while you can. If not already shipped, it's out of Hawaii forever. So sad.....and that big Fender amp too.
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2004 11:08 am    
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Why Ray,

What's going on?

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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2004 5:48 pm    
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Carl, as much as I'd like to say, I was publicly ostricized some months back by one who I had believed was my friend, for having revealed some simple drive-by observations of a guitar company that appeared not to be...... So, NO MORE.
But the equipment, if it ain't here already, it will one day soon be. You can take that to the bank!
What I'd said before about the "company" proved accurate as will the above statement.
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Jeff Strouse

Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2004 9:20 pm    
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Henry -

Keep posting this great music!!! I don't feel you are doing anything unethical, illegal, or wrong....you're sharing great music that otherwise, might not be heard. We all know that you are by no means profiting off of these posts, and those of us who download these songs for educational and personal enjoyment are in no way, shape, or form profiting off of these songs either.

Baz, I mean no disrespect to you, but I also doubt very seriously that posting a FULL song by either of these artists is going make one bit of difference to either of them (monetary or otherwise). Both of them would probably be flattered that their music is being enjoyed and listened to. Jerry is retired, and hasn't touched a guitar in about 3 years, and I think George de Fretes has passed on (I apologize if I'm wrong about that fact).

I would probably never have heard of George de Fretes, had someone not been kind enough to post a few songs. And why waste effort only posting a short clip? Nothing annoys me more than when I'm getting "into" a song, and it fades out...usually at the best part!!!

If I were a music store selling CD's, I can understanding only posting clips, since most folks probably wouldn't buy the CD if they could download the entire album. However, entire albums aren't being posted...only a song or two. And, this is not a record store...it's totally different venue...we're a forum of steel guitar music lovers, sharing the music we love. As a matter of fact, where can one even buy a George de Fretes album? And unless you are in Hawaii, some specialized music store, or special order website, forget finding Jerry's albums for the most part (Amazon.com does have a couple on hand, which I give them two claps for). But most of his records that aren't out of print, are available only through special channels.

It saddens me to think of all the great music out there that has already been lost forever. The record companies certainly won't reissue and preserve that material, because they only march to the beat of the all mighty dollar. How many great albums by unknown artists have rotted way in someone's attic and will never be heard again; and in the case of the younger generations, never heard at all?

If something should be "illegal," it should be these record companies not pulling this material out of their vaults and re-issuing it. And, just because it would be a nice thing for them to do for music's sake (and duty to thier fellow man 'n stuff), they should also make every effort to seek out the recordings from the little private "no-name" labels that have long since faded away, to preserve that music and make it avialable again. Since they certainly have the resources to accomplish this with ease, I feel they are commiting the bigger crime for allowing music (art) to be forgotten. Or, preventing other's from enjoying an art form because they aren't making two cents off of the download or dub, when they are too cheap and lazy to make it avaialble to the public in the first place! (...isn't that their job as producers/distributors anyway)?

This is one of those "hot" issues that will always be debated, for better or for worse. Either way, I think it belongs in a seperate post under another category...the pupose of this post is enjoy a song (and preferably a full one) from two great artists. I just hope my two cents here on my soap box hasn't aided in taking away from that.

[This message was edited by Jeff Strouse on 04 February 2004 at 09:55 PM.]

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United Kingdom
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2004 4:43 am    
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Jeff, I think Both you and Scott are 100% correct... I stand corrected.
As one of the few steel guitarsts DIRECTLY under contract to a Major International Label (EMI-Time Warner)my prespective on this copyright issue is a little "Slanted"
I receive royalties from all ove the world and presume that others do also... Jeff, I think you're right in particular regarding companies "Hoarding" material...Criminal.

I hadn't taken into consideration that the forum is NOT a "Public" place , but members only, and as such should qualify for exemption from the usual copyright restrictions.
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