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Author Topic:  New Traynor Amp
Bill Miller


Gaspe, Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 29 Jul 2005 10:25 am    
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I bought a Traynor YCV 40WR tube amp a few weeks ago. I got this amp for lead electric guitar...not for my steel. I had the first chance to try it out onstage last weekend. It really is an outstanding piece of gear. It's only rated at 40 watts but it just screams and the tone is amazing. We played a wedding with about 260 people in a fairly large hall and although I did mike the amp for that venue it would have been just about loud enough without being miked. It's a two channel amp and both channels are killer....the clean channel is well known for its quality and the lead channel produces a wide range top notch overdriven sounds to boot. I've been wanting to play my Strat through something other than my Session 400 Limited to a long while and this little 50 pound terrier really fills the bill. This is definitely not an amp for steel but if you double on lead electric and you want to move to a two amp setup you owe it to yourself to audition one of these.
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