Janice Brooks
From: Pleasant Gap Pa
Posted 15 Mar 2005 3:53 pm
NEWS BULLETIN: Country Legend HANK COCHRAN Recovering From By-Pass Surgery
Country Legend HANK COCHRAN Recovering From By-Pass Surgery
Country Legend Hank Cochran Recovering From By- Pass Surgery
Nashville, TN (March 15, 2005) - Hank Cochran, legendary songwriter and entertainer, is recovering from a successful triple by-pass surgery at a Nashville hospital. Cochran, renowned for over four decades of hits (" I Fall To Pieces," "She's Got You," "The Chair," etc.) is resting comfortably from this morning's operation.
The family requests that friends send their get-well wishes to Hank, via e-mail, through his website at: www.hankcochran.com.
Hank Cochran
Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047