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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 6 May 2004 6:07 am    
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Okay,so your favorite did not win.Certainly the reason I started watching the show was to support someone other than the winner.However my choice did not make the top four but in my opinion "she"could have. However my opinion was one vote,and it took many for the winner to reach his plateau.Regardless here is a man that lives his chosen profession,has paid his dues and found his way into a contest.While a lot of doors would not open for Brad he found one that was not controlled by greed. One that was slightly open,one that he would have to open all the way by displaying his desire,talent,and ability to gather a crowd. He did all that,He emerge on top now it's truly up to him to continue.He may or may not be the choice of mine or yours to have won the contest,but he did and he deserves congradulations and he has mine. If he records a song that I like I'll buy it.This show did display a lot of future talent. I am sure that others will emerge from the chance they had to showcase their talents. Hats off to the staff band on the show.


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Donna Dodd

Acworth, Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2004 6:14 pm    
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I agree that Lance Miller has a great country voice. His voice has a very interesting twist - giving his sound a strong, unique character!
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Mike Weirauch

Harrisburg, Illinois**The Hub of the Universe
Post  Posted 6 May 2004 7:38 pm    
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Lance Miller is a good friend of mine. He was borned and raised just north of me and has played most every "waterin hole" in Southern Illinois except "Old Shawneetown"! Lance is a good guy with a good voice. I was sorry to see him leave but I was also sorry to see Jennifer Hicks go. I thought they were both super talents and I feel that there time will come.
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