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Author Topic:  TV Opry Apr 13
Joe Miraglia

Jamestown N.Y.
Post  Posted 18 Apr 2002 4:47 pm    
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Dave P.--It is fine to remember how it was, but when a singer loses it he or she should know when to hang it up. There are some Opry stars who haven't lost it and they should keep going as long as they can. As far as younger performers some of them do a great job doing the older songs such as Martina Mcbride, Brad Paisley, Allen Jackson, Vince Gill, Lori Morgan and some of them are starting to age themselves. If some of the older members (who are not singing as well as they did) stepped down, wouldn't it give country music a better image if some of the newer (and possibly better) singers sang some of the older traditional material. When someone new to country music tunes in to the Opry on a Saturday night and hears an older off-key singer perform, it's no wonder they get the wrong impression of country music. Joe
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