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Andy W. - Wolfenbuettel, Germany
Post  Posted 14 Jun 2001 1:48 pm    
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Anyone heard of his guy? what is he doin' now? I'm not so familiar with his music, only heard him sing as part of "Jimmy&Johnny" and on his own with a minor rockabilly/hillbilly hit called "All I can do is cry", date back to mid 1950s...
I really love his voice. anyone got more info?
Thanks in advance

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Craig A Davidson

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Post  Posted 14 Jun 2001 5:26 pm    
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I can tell you he was ET's son-in-law at one time. He was also a terrific songwriter. Wrote for Cedarwood when Mel Tillis was there. One of his tunes he wrote was Thoughts of a Fool. ET and George Strait both did it.

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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 14 Jun 2001 8:09 pm    
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"all i can do is cry" is just tremendous. one of the very best rockabilly records of all time for my taste. reminds me of presley, but with a backing more reminiscent of the best uptempo johnny horton records, with that throbbing bass.

wayne died in the late 70s. what was his nickname?? "fluffy" or something like that. wrote a million hits.

"pride", "are you sincere", i've got a new heartache", "how do you talk to a baby", etc.

the story is that he lost part of the ownership to "are you sincere" in a poker game. he had been pitching the song without success previously.

look him up on bmi.com

he recorded for abc, columbia, coral, ric, among others, but that abc record is far and away his best. he was around nashville a long time and is a member of the nashville songwriter's hall of fame, as he should be.
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