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Ron Page


Penn Yan, NY USA
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2000 10:50 am    
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Hey, does anyone know the lyrics to Ida Red?

They go by so fast on Hag’s LIVE AT BILLY BOB’S TX CD that I can’t make ‘em out.

I was driving to work this morning in the usual rat race. I had to sit back and enjoy the show -- excessive lane changes, beating yellow lights, and all the usual rush hour pleasantries—when it occurred to me. If I’d had the morning political talk show on the radio, I’d have been stressin’ , no doubt. Instead, I was tranquilized by Live at Billy Bob’s Texas blaring from the CD player. Big City was followed by Ida Red.

Now how can that not start your day off right?

That’s my favorite CD. HagFans that don’t have it should run out and get it. The 90’s stuff (Curb Records) is missing, but apparently I think more of those tunes than Hag does anyway.

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Tim Rowley


Pinconning, MI, USA
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2000 5:17 pm    
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Hey Ron, Ida Red was in Bob Wills' repertoire long before Merle cut it. And guess what, they did it so fast you can only understand half the words on that recording as well. So anyway, here's a few of the words, somebody else can fill in the blanks.

Light the fire lit, fire in the grate
Clock on the mantle says it's a gettin' late
Curtains on the windows snowy white
.......................Friday night

Ida Red, Ida Red, I'm a plumb fool 'bout Ida Red.

Apple on the table, picture on the wall
......................and that's not all
If I'm not mistaken I'm sure I'm right
Then somebody else is smilin' tonight

Ida Red, Ida Red, I'm a plumb fool 'bout Ida Red.

My old missus swore to me
When she died she'd set me free
Lived so long her head got bald

Ida Red, Ida Red, I'm a plumb fool 'bout Ida Red.

Anyway Ron, it goes something like that. I'm trying to recite it from memory so anyone who knows the missing words feel free to fill 'em in. One thing's for certain, the song never made any sense to start with! Tim R.

[This message was edited by Tim Rowley on 11 June 2000 at 08:56 PM.]

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Jason Odd

Stawell, Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 10 Jun 2000 7:48 am    
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Isn't it an even older blues song, or am I way off here?
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Jude James Shiels


near Dublin, Ireland
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2000 8:00 pm    
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There is a great version on a cheapo European Cd/Video called 'Okie From Muskogee, Live at Church Street Station', the solo on it by Clint Strong is incredible.

One other footnote about the song, when Chuck Berry on New Years Eve 1954 was hired last minute by piano player Johnnie Johnstone to fill in on guitar for the night, they let him finish off the night by singing the Bob Wills standard Ida Red.

After seeing the reaction of the audience the band knew they were onto something good, ditched their old set, let Chuck take over as lead singer and the rest is history.
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Ron Page


Penn Yan, NY USA
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2000 5:31 am    
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I recognized the tune as a Bob Wills standard, but never would have imagined the Chuck Berry link. I find that facinating.

On the Live at Billy Bob's Texas CD there is a great steel break by Norm Hamlet. There are several songs Norm played in the 90's that I'd have sworn were played on C6th, but he's told us that they were E9th. I think this was one of them. Another is Sin City Blues from the Haggard '96 CD.

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Howard Kalish

Austin, Tx USA
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2000 1:40 pm    
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Ida Red, Ida Red
If I hadn't watched television
Ida Red
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John Steele


Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2000 3:19 pm    
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My old missus swore to me
When she died she'd set me free
Lived so long her head got bald

Took a notion not to die at all...

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