Many of us here that are old enough have stories like I will now relate.
In the mid 70's, a buddy of mine moved back to California after attending the music college in the southeast, Brevard. He's a drummer.
Two of his friends from that school, a pair of brothers, moved out here so that they could form a band in California, "land of milk and honey."
As often happens, after a year or so, these things end up not panning out, and the brothers became homesick, and wanted to move back to North Carolina, but barely had two dimes to rub together. To get bus fare, the older brother offered me the same exact guitar as the one in this thread for $120.
I was a starving student at the time, and to this day I wonder why I didn't beg, borrow, or maybe even steal the money to buy that guitar. I wanted it pretty badly and I knew it was a very good deal, even 30 years ago.
Silly me, I guess I thought that someday I could find another one for not much more.
Oh, the hindsight is always 20/20!
[This message was edited by Mark Eaton on 14 February 2006 at 10:57 AM.]
[This message was edited by Mark Eaton on 14 February 2006 at 11:08 AM.]
[This message was edited by Mark Eaton on 14 February 2006 at 01:06 PM.]