Tom, I'll get it in the mail tomorrow. I'm just goin to send you the book, and you can copy the song or songs, and then just return the book. I couldn't get to town today to make the copies. I think this will work just as good. I included a cassett recording of the song. I just taped over an old cassett tape I had. I thought this might help you with the tab(phrasing and all). no charge at all for the tape.
84 SKH Emmons Legrand D10
session 400'rd Steelin for my Lord.
[This message was edited by Terry Sneed on 26 July 2004 at 06:58 PM.]
[This message was edited by Terry Sneed on 28 July 2004 at 12:28 PM.]
[This message was edited by Terry Sneed on 28 July 2004 at 12:30 PM.]