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Author Topic:  Licks using the b-to-bflat knee lever?
Mason Eubank


Cincinnati, Ohio
Post  Posted 16 May 2003 3:31 am    
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Does anyone out there have some good licks using the knee lever that lowers the b's a half step? Any help would be most appreciated.

Mason Eubank
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Tony Dingus


Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 16 May 2003 5:54 pm    
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Mason, here's three that might be useful.

2)______________8~8L~~~~ 2nd lowers a whole
3)_______________________ tone.
5)____________________8~8L~~~ let all notes
6)__10~~8~~~~~~~~~ ring,

2)____________________|__12L__lowers 1/2 tone

2)__10L~~~~~~~10L~~~~~~ 2nd part is a
3)__10b~~~~~~~10~~~~~ Hal Rugg lick

I hope this will help, just hunt and peck
you'll be surprised what you will find.
If you raise your 1st string a whole tone you can play some pretty stuff with that string and the 5th lower together.

[This message was edited by Tony Dingus on 16 May 2003 at 06:56 PM.]

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Mason Eubank


Cincinnati, Ohio
Post  Posted 17 May 2003 3:56 am    
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These licks are great. Thanks for your help.

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Lynn Kasdorf

Waterford Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 22 May 2003 7:37 am    
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Well, there's always "Together Again"...

You can think of that lever the same way you think of pedal 5 on c6. From a no pedal chord position, it gives you a II 9th (which you can use where you want a 7th).

Therefore, you can back up 2 frets from open position and it gives you a 9th or 7th of that chord. Now- note that pedal a also gives you a 9th or 7th at the 2 frets down position.

So- the Together again lick (and several other Brumley licks) involves pedal a, release pedal a, engage pedal X (lower 5th string B).

Also, if you engage this lever from a pedal down position, it flats the 3rd, giving you a minor of the chord. Of course, you can get the same sound by simply moving up a fret, releasing the pedals and lowering your E's, which is easier and more likely to be in tune...

I use it all the time when a song goes to a dominant II (as opposed to a minor II). A II is a song can usually be played as a 7th or 9th.
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