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Author Topic:  MUSIC TIME DELUXE(Computer program)
George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 24 May 2002 10:59 pm    
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This has to do with Tablature in a sense. I have upgraded my computer to Xp (from Me) and in doing so, MUSIC TIME (a writing program) has frozen. I can no longer use it...and it seeems they are out of biz, therefore I cannot upgrade it at all! Does anyone know of a good Notation and Tablature writing system which I could obtain ? I could sure use some advice, folks. Thanx.
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Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 25 May 2002 3:17 am    
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George, try this out: www.tabledit.com
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Holmdel, NJ
Post  Posted 25 May 2002 4:18 am    
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Sounds to me like a memory problem.
I'd suggest increasing your RAM .

Bob Grado, Williams D10 (lefty), Peavey 1000,
Profex ll.

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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 26 May 2002 10:45 am    
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Thanx Bob, however those who have checked it all out, (including my 3 wise computer minded sons) say that is not the problem.
Chip, thanx for your suggestion. I checked this out on the net and e-mailed them for more info. Perhaps this will be what I am seeking. Have you used it ? Is it a complicated program or a "piece of cake" ?
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Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 27 May 2002 4:50 am    
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TE is reasonably easy to use. Like all new
programs, you really hafta to read the tutorials and familiarize yourself with each programs KEY/Mouse moves etc.
In TE it helps to have a GOOD grasp of music
theory and notating. Even if you do just TABS as opposed to NOTATION [both can be done], it still is a trick to putting the right beats in the right measures, so that the end product does indeed sound as you meant it to be.
I'll email you a hornpipe I tabbed-out for
a Universal steel tuning, but the song was
borrowed from TE in 6-string tab format.

Also tho, to view/hear what I send you, you'll need to download the TablEdit DEMO
version [it's free].
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Dave Alfstad


Indianola, IA USA
Post  Posted 29 May 2002 7:35 am    
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My father-in-law had the EXACT same problem. Couldn't get Music Time to work in XP. He uses it to score barber-shop quartet music and then print it out for his quartet. It will also play the songs for him as a midi file as well so each member of the quartet can hear their parts in the song. He really needs to find another program that will do all of this. He is not a computer guru so it needs to be very user friendly for him. Any suggestions?

Dave Alfstad
Indianola, Iowa

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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 30 May 2002 6:47 am    
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Well Dave, your father is probably an old phart just like me...I'm 74 and I am sure not a computer guru! I've decided to try TablEdit even though I know it will be far more complicated than Music Time Deluxe which to me, was a real gem when I had it, only I never fully realized that until it was gone.
If some outfit ever purchases the reminants of MTD and revives it, I sure want to know. Wish your pop good luck from one old geezer to another.
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