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Author Topic:  Weird hollow body VEGA D-8
Lynn Kasdorf

Waterford Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 13 Jan 2003 7:40 am    
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A friend is loaning me a very unusual non pedal steel. I'm trying to decide whether to buy it from him, or help him sell it.

It is a Vega D-8. One of the unusual things about it is the cabinet, which is hollow. It is quite lightweight, and you can almost play it acoustically!

Another intersting thing is the string spacing- it is wide, about like the spacing on a 6 string dobro.

It has a push button tone selector with 5 positions ranging from "bass" to "brilliant".

Alas, it is missing its legs, and uses a non-standard thread. I'm going to try to weld up adaptors so that some sort of normal steel tubular legs can be used.

Has anybody ever seen one of these strange beasts? I'm guessing this is from late 50's to early 60's. The Vega logo is shiny and almost an OCR futuristic looking font.

"You call that thing a guitar?"
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Chris DeBarge


Boston, Mass
Post  Posted 13 Jan 2003 9:36 am    
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I think I may have, it had 3 plywood "sides" instead of legs. You know, like a box without a back. I specifically remember the VERY wide string spacing, it was a pretty cool instrument.
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