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Author Topic:  TONE X Firmware update! Includes Delay + FX
Andrew Schmidt

Austin Texas, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jan 2025 3:15 pm    
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Okay, I figured I'd start a new thread about this because I dont see it mentioned anywhere but now the ToneX Pedal has added a few effects into it such as chorus, tremolo, delay, Leslie, and flanger.
Of course for PSG our mileage is going to vary but so far I am really happy after tweaking mine to have one stop shopping for Delay+ FX + Modeling. I even added a touch of Leslie for a kiss of that 70s sound and am enjoying it. I think you can only run one FX patch in addition to delay and reverb at a time, which is surely enough for most people's needs.

Press release:

You can update the pedal right from your TONEX software and it adds the FX. You'll spend some time tweaking, as the inital settings are rather "heavy" on the FX side, but after some dialing Ive found settings I like.

As Many others have noted, the learning curve on this pedal can be kind of annoying but once you envision how it works you can fly through the settings rather quickly

One note: when you do the firmware update in the software, I believe it wiped my previous settings (womp womp) but it did keep the amp models I had downloaded. So if you're really happy with all your EQ + levels you might want to at least write them down somewhere (I could be wrong)
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