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Author Topic:  Need opinions on this 8x4 Sho Bud Pro 3
Justin Shaw


Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2023 5:24 pm    
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Ad says its from 1980. Here are two pictures. He says he has the original pickups but they need rewinding. The undercarriage looks well worn but probably OK? However it's too far away for me to try before I buy so I thought I'd ask what people think.

edit: any take is fine I just don't know much about different Sho-Buds. Is the Pro 3 good? Does this version have pot metal? Is that bad? Thanks for looking either way.
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Dan Beller-McKenna

Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2023 3:05 am    
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I've looked at that several times. I wonder why there is no picture of the front, only a close-in of a peeling Sho-Bud decal (which should be under the lacquer finish, so a concern). A Pro-III probably started life with aluminum necks, and the big holes under the C6 side might speak to this. I also wonder about the return springs on C6 strings 8-10: why are they extended relative to all the other springs? Could just be that those strings are not tightened up. These are all things I would ask the seller if I were looking to buy.

Pro III will have pot metal, but so does my Super Pro, and it has been my go-to steel for ten years. (I was only looking at this Pro III because I'm hunting for another Super-Pro style Sho-Bud.) Personally, I wouldn't be scared off by the pot metal. Yes, it is an inferior metal, but there are lots of ways to deal with its shortcomings. That said, it is something to consider.
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Dale Rottacker

Walla Walla Washington, USA
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2023 6:36 am    
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Justin, I have a 77 8x6 Pro lll I ordered new. Mind you its a guitar I rarely play anymore, but played a lot for many years as it was the only guitar I had, and comparatively speaking, this guitar looks wore out and raises some flags for me. Why the wood necks? and why 2 different wood necks or my eyes are deceiving me cause I only see inlay on the front neck. What I see of the finish makes me think it has a tacky softening finish on it. The underside as well looks worn, but 40+ years can do that. For me, and I've boughten guitars I've never played first, sight unseen and have always had a good experience, but for me, this one wouldn't be one I'd jump on unless its REALLY cheap and you're prepared to either be disappointed or willing to do some work on this one.
Dale Rottacker, Steelinatuneā„¢
*2021 MSA Legend, "Jolly Rancher" D10 10x9
*2021 Rittenberry, "The Concord" D10 9x9
*1977 Blue Sho-Bud Pro 3 Custom 8x6
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2023 6:44 am    
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This is NOT a "Pro~III". A Pro III does not have a tail piece; it has aluminum neck that wraps around the axle bracing for the changer fingers. All ShoBud's after 1977 have POT METAL. Like Dan mentioned; something is going on the bottom fingers of C6 tuning...probably way over tuned. It looks cruddy underneath....
For the last almost 30 years; I've worked on/restored/refurbished every year/every model Sho~bud and for me to make this one proper; I would have to take all mechanics out and total would be in the 800.00 or more range...so to buy this "THE PRO~II Custom" currently; It's worth maybe 1200 to 1500 US dollars.
But I still would have to see more pics...since the ad is already miss-represented.
Ricky Davis
Email Ricky: sshawaiian2362@gmail.com
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Justin Shaw


Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2023 3:47 pm    
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Thank you all for the feedback I really appreciate it, this is exactly the kind of info I was looking for!

I've been looking around for a Sho-Bud for a few months and it's getting tiresome trying to find a good one which I can get to in Eastern Canada here. The price on this one keeps going down but not enough yet. At this point I might just start saving up for a Jackson.

Also, the seller changed the listing to "Sho-Bud Pro 2" in the last day.
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Kenny Davis

Great State of Oklahoma
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2023 9:14 pm    
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What's with the rod on the back neck headstock with the strings underneath?
Best lyric in a country song: "...One more, Moon..."
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 27 Nov 2023 2:45 am    
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Kenny Davis wrote:
What's with the rod on the back neck headstock with the strings underneath?

Wow. I hadn't noticed that. Hey -- this guitar may have been improved 300% by the stuff that's been done to it (he said skeptically). But stuff sure has been done to it. Lots of .... stuff.

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