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Author Topic:  Canadian Steelers… “BEWARE “
Larry Ball

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
Post  Posted 8 Nov 2023 1:08 pm    
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To My Fellow Canadians Steelers,

Just more info on Shipping….I realize there has been posts on the topic but this one is more specific to us Canadian Members.

I recently purchased an item from the Steel Forum Store. I did this to support the store where as I could have purchased the product cheaper elsewhere. The amount for the item was $17.50 US. Shipping was $22.23 US (ouch). When the store shipped the product they incorrectly combined the two amounts and doubled charged those amounts on the “Tax Declaration Form. Therefore the Canadian Tax Department charged accordingly.. Duty twice on the declaration amount, plus the handling fee. In Total I paid $71.00 Cdn when you add in the rate of exchange.

So Canadians do your do diligence and retailers pay more attention to your Tax Declaration Form when filling it out..

Sho~Bud SD10 LDG, Show-Pro SD10 LDG, Peavey Nashville 112, Boss Katana 100 MK11, Telonic's F100 Multi-Taper Super Pro V/P, Wayne Brown “Custom Designed Amp”
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Marco Schouten

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2023 6:57 am    
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I don't know the Canadian tax laws, but if I would have a steel dend over from the US to The Netherlands, they will add the shipping cost to the price of the steel to calculate the VAT. Not sure if the duty is on the total amount or just on the price of the steel. They have a strange reasoning that is worth to you to buy someting and pay shipping for it, now we will tax you for it.
JCH SD-10 with BL XR-16 pickup, Sho-Bud Volume Pedal, Evidence Audio Lyric HG cables, Quilter Steelaire combo
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Stew Crookes

Paris, France
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2023 9:14 am    
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I find it really important to stress to US vendors how to fill out customs forms as Americans typically aren't used to paying customs charges of the scale that most other countries charge so they understandably don't know the implications of an incorrectly filled out form...

In Canada I once sent a microphone for repair in the US (at the factory - the only option) and when they sent it back they didn't clearly state it was the return of a repaired item previously sent from Canada and I had to pay hundreds in customs charges just to get my own mic back into the country Mad
Music mixer, producer and pedal steel guitarist

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