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Author Topic:  Greater Wisconsin Pedal Steel Guitar Association - NEW!!!!!!
Mark Shuda


Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2023 1:42 pm    
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The Greater Wisconsin Pedal Steel Guitar Association is a new group for pedal steel, lap steel players and fans! We are planning some great events, podcasts with renown players, concerts, "Texas Style"dances, major guitar swap meets, and in general an experience that's quite different from the "jams" some of you have been used to in the past. There will also be a Wisconsin Pedal Steel Guitar Hall of Fame established.
In addition, a facebook site will be used for members to advertise steel guitars,equipment for sale, you tube videos, tell stories, announce gigs, present gig and recording opportunities, and say goodbye to those who have "gone home" . Current plans include learning podcasts for beginners and intermediates! Links will be listed to Wisconsin steel teachers and techs for repair and set up!

The site will be used to promote the pedal steel guitar and traditional country music which of recent has seen a resurgence in the Great State of Wisconsin, but clubs and promoters are having a difficult time in getting the message out! Often, these events are only known after the fact. TOGETHER WE CAN FIX THIS!!!

So please come join us! You are welcome! We will be holding a organizational podcast soon to solicit some helpers and contributor's for some major events that are soon to be announced!!!!
Membership is open to anyone. Even those outside of Wisconsin!!!

But remember, you MUST be respectful and courteous, no tolerance for b.s. Thanks, welcome aboard and God Bless!!!

The facebook site is being used for its immediate availability of technical infrastructure and security.

Here is the link to sign up!


    Mark Twang
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