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Author Topic:  JHS Color Box vs Neve 1073SPX
Thomas Alexander


Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 6 Apr 2023 7:16 am    
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I'm getting a bit more serious about recording steel (and sometimes vocals), and want to add a pre-amp to my recording chain. I'm currently just using a mic into an interface, and I find the recorded track just doesn't have the fullness and sparkle that the amp has in the room.

JHS Pros:
- about 1/4 the cost of the Neve; could afford to get two of them and have 2 mic channels to record natural room reverb
- can also be used as a drive/EQ pedal when performing; useful since the JHS has a shifting mid EQ and my amp doesn't have a mid control

Neve Pros:
- sound quality
- buy once, cry once (but I could only afford the single channel version)

What would you do? Feel free to school me on pre-amps if I am missing something obvious or there are better options out there for the money
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Chris Willingham

Tulsa, Oklahoma
Post  Posted 6 Apr 2023 2:25 pm    
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I would give a hard look at Warm Audio's WA73 series. The quality is there and it's much cheaper than Neve. I've tracked through a real Neve 1073 (albeit, just once) and the Warm gear is seriously 90% the same, if not more. I sure haven't missed anything and it's quite a bit cheaper than Neve. The tone switch is really nice, also for some mic color.

I think of the Warm gear as in the same dept as UAD plugins. Much cheaper than the real hardware and so close you won't notice the difference. My two pennies Smile
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Thomas Alexander


Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2023 9:20 am    
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Thanks Chris, I will look into that! Seems like they offer a two channel preamp for a decent price, which would be ideal.
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